
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Not a Pumpkin Rooster

halloween2k9 011, originally uploaded by BelchSpeak.

Cartney went trick-or-treating as Nemo last night. As he walks down the street in this costume, his tail fins swish back and forth and its adorable. One of our neighbors said “So cute! What is he? A Pumpkin rooster?” She obviously had no children of her own. Or knows anyone else with kids either, apparently.

Not everyone was home. Cartney didn’t respond well to this fact. He would knock on a door and if no one answered, he would have a near-meltdown, shouting “Trick or treat! Yeeerrgh!” and then smash his pumpkin full of candy onto the screendoor of the house. Shaking down strangers for candy is serious business to the little fella.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Not a Pumpkin Rooster

  • Hey! This IS serious business! I’m STILL strung out on Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups… Fortunately, one of the guys here at work had some so I scored and am good for at least the morning. I’m not addicted or anything; I just haven’t decided if I should quit. I know it’s supposed to be bad for you, but hey… I don’t have a problem… right? RIGHT?!?!?

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