This is Why Muslim Women Wear Hijabs
So no one can see the whip marks.
I saw this post at Planck’s Constant blog of a woman who had received 50 lashes. So why was this woman beaten? She’s too fat! No, not really, something much more mundane. She was seen in the wrong type of clothing around a man not her father, brother or son. That’s all. And she’s too fat.
From Planck’s:
The picture you see here was sent to Dr. Darabi from a woman in Iran, taken 20 days after she was lashed fifty times for being present at a family gathering where men other than her father and brother were present.
Because she is a single woman, it is forbidden for her to be under the same roof with men other than close relatives (father, brother and son) without a proper hijab.
I blame islam.
No islam…Know Peace
Know islam…throw up.
Thanks for mentioning my article, it’s appreciated.
Women suffer abuse all over the world, no matter their religion or country of procedence. It’s a shame that this abuse hasn’t been stoped already. Islamic have this fame of being too hard on their women, maybe they are but.. what about the rest of the world?, where are woman safe this days? maybe in usa woman don’t get beated like this because of being in presence of other man but most gets raped at their own universities, parties and on the street, ask what muslims do to rapers in their countries. It’s like life itself, take the good things and try not to focus too much on the bad ones. May all have a better world. Have a nice day.
I understand English isn’t your first language, so I won’t tease you about how poorly you write.
But you are a retard if you think that all women everywhere are oppressed and raped. All women in Islamic countries have to wear head to toe garments and its legal to beat them and divorce them leaving them destitute.
I live in the USA. “Most” women certainly do not get raped in college or at parties or on the streets. Its amazing that you think you have this expertise on American crime from your perspective all the way down in Buenos Aires.
I am appalled really that this had to happen to this woman but unfortunately not ALL MUSLIM women endure such ‘beatings’. You have to understand the extreme value of how the Arab continent view Islam. Where i come from, as much as we emphasize the whole idea of belief in our faith, it does not condone such acts. So the way you put Islam, in my personal view is just one sided and wrong.
Madness Maxima said in January 28th, 2010 at 9:07 pm
I am appalled really that this had to happen to this woman but unfortunately not ALL MUSLIM women endure such ‘beatings’
I can show you hundreds of such examples…all approved by the local imam or ayatoilet.
Explain to me how it’s OK to have sex with an infant as long as you “only” sodomize her. Tell me about the normalcy of sex with animals, as long as you slaughter them afterward. Surely you must have read or at least be aware of Khomeinis “little green book”. These things I mention are in his best seller. How far can two men go sexually before it becomes “homosexual”. That’s in there to. Truth hurts huh? How about old mo havin’ sex with a dead woman…just to check it out? Doan like that? Burn your “holy” writings cause that’s where it comes from. Does the name Father Botros ring a bell?
Beating ones wife is commonly accepted practice and is not discouraged by the vast majority of islams leaders. Those that do speak out against same are called “un-islamic” and are harassed for their views. Perhaps you are unaware of the recent meeting of islamic types that OK’d beating and starving ones wife if she refused to have sex with the husband. The manner in which the wife was to be beaten was clarified down to what kind of stick or object they should be beaten with.
Show me any other religion that gets together and discusses how to beat ones wife and I’ll convert to islam post haste.
I despise islam and what it does to free people. Witness the killing of Egypts Christian Copts as we speak. Sorry, but I know islam for what it is. I’ve read the koran, the hadiths and surrahs. I know mo for the perverted desert bandit/pedophile that he was. I feel sorry for, pity for those that are subjected to its slavery and wish for them to be free. I do not hate muslims. They are the victims of islam. Your imams and ayatoilets are the ones most to blame. If they did not teach only the Blood and Death that is islam, there would be no conflict. However, the koran makes clear that islam must be the only religion and that it is every muslims duty to further that end. Tell your radical muslim buddies that you don’t think that’s right and see if your head stays on your shoulders. You fear them if you’re not one of them and you will become one when it is that or death. Yes?
No islam…Know Peace.
Know islam…throw up.
Islam is not about force, its not about beatings, or deaths or God damn terrorism. Like I said, your view is totally ONE SIDED because where I come from my society does not condone it. Yes I am aware of that meeting which I honestly think its a whole load of B/S. A man in Islam is allowed to hit his wife after two continuous warnings and only hit them where it doesn’t show. The problem with Islam now is that since there has been so much extremist pressure,the whole context of it has become totally WRONG.
I’d like to state that I’m not a ‘radical Muslim’ they’re the ones beating up their wives and stoning their daughters. They’re the ones who thinks peace is about bombing other people who don’t get along with their extremist idealism and in the process kill the innocent. Yes we all believe in the five pillars of Islam and the 6 pillars of the iman but I CHOOSE my life the way I live, no one chooses it for me. Not some Imam, not some cleric.. Islam is my own way of life and what I do is between me and Him.
I think that your personal idea is from what you have seen in the ARAB CONTINENT.. maybe you should travel to SOUTH EAST ASIA and see how Asian Muslims live in harmony with other religions. Yes there are a handful of idiotic extremists who get involved with what they call ‘Jihad’ which I personally think is absolutely stupid. I don’t care what any extremists might say, and by the way, I’m not afraid of death, I’m prepared for it, in the name of Allah..but I won’t kill myself for some dictator because he thinks my death is a sacrifice for Allah. Suicide is the biggest blasphemy any Muslim can get involved in.
I can’t change your ideas, or how you think..but do get your facts right, not all of us in Islam are like what they/you/media say.
You are mistaken. I am not speaking from only one side of the muslim experience. I enter the homes of muslims on a regular basis. I am treated with respect and I return it.
I am engaged in conversation and I sense no hostility in the vast majority of the muslim homes I enter. But…only in the vast majority. Other homes that I enter are darkened and all conversation ceases when I enter. The women pull slave rags across their faces and they hide from me.
I know that as men, we instinctively do threat assessments of those we meet. This goes way back in our hunter/gatherer DNA. But holy crap. I am left, quite often, with the feeling that the entire time I was there I was being viewed with great suspicion and distrust.
This is not uncommon amongst any group of people, but the percentage rises sharply amongst the ummah.
Sorry guy but I have to believe the evidence of my eyes…empirical evidence. I see no Buddhist suicide bombers. No Jews donning explosives and walking in to a group of muslim shoppers and detonating himself and murdering innocents.
I see Hamas firing from civilian areas and preventing the residents from fleeing in order to have civilian deaths to parade in front of the many willing photographers who participate in the deception. The Palestinian people themselves just recently cried out about this very practice. You’re internet savvy. Look for yourself as any link I provide will be viewed by you as “propaganda”.
Schoolgirls in Afghanistan have acid thrown in their faces for daring to educate themselves.
The list is endless and lenthens every day.
When a moderate muslim such as Hirsi Ali speaks up about the plight of women under islam, she has to hire bodyguards and hide from your more radical brethren who seem to be running things…because good men like you will not speak out against them. That is how evil flourishes.
I can show you dozens of instances where muslims have spoken out against spreading islam by the sword, against the violence that is practiced against women, the degradation they live in. Agreed not all…but any number is too great…and the number is high.
Are you aware of the persecution of the Copts in Egypt that is going on right now? How about the burned Churches in Indonesia? A rumor is started about a Christian raping a muslim. No proof. Nothing. Christians die. Deny it. If you do you lie.
“Suicide is the biggest blasphemy any Muslim can get involved in”.
If only all muslims believed as you do.
As far as I know…dictators do not direct suicide bombings. imams do. ayatollahs do. The holy men of islam direct these killings…and if you told them they were wrong to their faces, I doubt that you would leave with your head on your neck.
Come. You sound reasonable. I invite you to discuss islam at Jihadwatch. As anywhere, you will find a wide range of vies and opinions there. We have those muslims that come to defend absoulutely any act committed in the name of allah…anything. It would be of some interest and education to see you engage THEM.
Southeast Asia…tell another.
In 2003 the Jordanian Parliament voted down on Islamic grounds a provision designed to stiffen penalties for honor killings. Al-Jazeera reported that “Islamists and conservatives said the laws violated religious traditions and would destroy families and values.”
And a manual of Islamic law certified as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy by Al-Azhar University, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, says that “retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right.” However, “not subject to retaliation” is “a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring.” (‘Umdat al-Salik o1.1-2).
In other words, someone who kills his child incurs no legal penalty under Islamic law.
How lovely. Explain that to me.
I can go on and on. Show me where any other religion teaches and practices such things today.
and no…I’m not a Christian or any other religion, nor am I atheist.
islam is a lie and
Truth is killing it.
Assalam o alikum
u only want to degrade Muslims that’s y u make such fake issues nothing else.
islam degrades itself in the way that it treats women. islam needs no help degrading itself.
I see you as a victim of the koran and the bloody imams that control you and every aspect of your life.
muslims must be set free of islam. islam must die, not muslims.
Ever heard of “Stockholm Syndrome”?
Fake issues? Women beaten in to submission is fake?
You mean to say that the beatings we read about every day are all lies? Fake? Maybe you just don’t care about your fellow human beings and feel that these beatings are fair. I don’t.
And isn’t that “assalam o alikum” reserved (according to your “holy writings” for fellow muslims only? I know it is. You’d better be careful. Someone may accuse you of not being islamic enough and you’ll find yourself on the wrong end of a beating from your fellow muslims.
Fake issues…yeah…that’s the ticket!
Hey…hows about you explain “thighing” to me. Tell me all about how it’s OK to sodomize babies.
Khomeini says it’s AOK. Will you call him a dead liar? How about sex with animals? He says “go for it…” as long as you kill them afterwards.
Don’t make me quote him directly from his little green book of islamic jurisprudence. Defend that if you can! Don’t like it…? Burn islams holy writings. I would.
No islam…Know Peace.
Know islam…throw up.
I am a muslim women and i think you should double check where you got your information from cos its a load of SHIT. and also “assalam o laykum” means peace be upon you, how is that only reserved for us mulsims? also, it states in the Quran that it is illegal to BEAT your wife, a smack on the wrist is acceptable, and some women need a good slap sometimes as we do tend to get very mouthy, and trust me i should know because i am one! so you obviously have NOT read the Quran, and i can back that up by giving you the exact surah chapter for that one too if you like. About the animal sex and baby things that is all HARAM (illegal) in islam, those would happen to be the shi’ite muslim, who just so happen to follow the teachings of Ali, not prophet Muhammad, therefor they are not actually muslim at all and they are doing a fantastic job at giving everyone the wrong impression of waht a true muslim actually is, and sunni muslim, the majority muslim,the REAl MUSLIM despise them and the teachings that they follow beacuse yes, it is fucked up, but as you obviously have not done proper research on the issues, you woulnd’t know that these things are a huge sin in islamic religion. Khomeini is a liar, he is also fucked up in the head and cannot claim to be a true muslim because what he stands for is opposing islam completely.
I appreciate your standing up for muslim women and i am sure their are some muslim women who do not have it easy, like wise there are all kinds of women different races, cultures and religions of women who are unhappy and abused etc…
Have you met a muslim women personally? Have you ever thought about addressing one and asking her on her opinion of islam? 65% of western converters to islam are WOMEN. Muslim children are taught that paradise lies at their mothers feet, and the Qur’an states that the mother is to be respected befor the father by five times! Muslim women have the right to say no to a chosen marriage partner, the right to divorce, the right to own and dispose of her own property and the Quran is the only holy scripture that refers to women alongside men! Unlike Christianity, Islam does not blame women for the downfall of mankind, and the Quran also states that women are considered to be the spiritual equals of men.
I understand your anger as i felt the same way about these things befor i converted to islam, so i studied it and learnt about it like you are, but i also researched positives and met true muslims and realised that what the media and journalists are putting out there is mostly a load of shit, not everything, but mostly, and its a shame that the so many great things about islam are left out of the headlines..
I hope you are not offended at all by this comment, and if you have any questions or need backing up of any information concerning islam, feel free to ask. I will end this with a quote from the Quran: “Let no muslim man entertain any bad feeling against a muslim women. If he should dislike one quality in her, he will find another that is pleasing. The best of beleivers are those that are good to their wives”
You deserve to be smacked around SALAM. Every time a muslim man beats a muslim woman I get a case of the giggles.
thankyou for your uplifting comment “pat”, you are very mature and have an incredibly intelligent sense of humour, goodluck.
I have to go make a living right now…but I’ll be back to body slam your sorry argument a little later.
Do you deny that the Ayatollah Khomeini wrote in his Little Green Book of Islam Jurisprudence that sex with animals is OK as long as you kill the animal afterward? Do you also deny that he said it’s OK to sodomize children as young as an infant as long as you don’t take their virginity?
Read his book. And clearly you have a piss poor understanding of your own made up “religion” of Blood and Death or you would not that it is haram to greet an infidel with salam alykham or however that barbaric greeting is spelled. I don’t have time to look up the proper spelling nor does it matter.
Be prepared to defend your religion. You’ll do a good job…right? Does your husband know that you are online conversing with strange men? Will he beat you “lightly” for the offense? I’m sure that whenever he beats you , you deserve it right? Ever heard of “Stockholm Syndrome”? You are a PERFECT example. I pity you and pray for the end of islam so that you and the other slaves of islam can be set free…even if you don’t know what freedom is.
I know your sorry ass koran, your manual of war, of perverted sex and death.
You don’t know shit about islam or you wouldn’t defend that odious and perverted religion.
I’ll be seeing you. Maybe we can undo some of that brainwashing you’ve been subjected to.
islam is a lie and
Truth is killing it.
No islam…Know Peace.
Know islam…throw up!
That should be “you would know that it is haram to greet infidels with” your islamic greeting, your lie of peace and rainbows upon you…
You poor pathetic slave…and you chose to be one…how sad.
Here’s a little something to get you started Salam…
The Myth:
The Qur’an places men and women on equal foundation before Allah. Each person is judged according to his or her own deeds. Women have equal rights under Islamic law.
The Truth:
Merely stating that individuals will be judged as such by Allah does not mean that they have equal rights and roles, or that they are judged by the same standards.
There is no ambiguity in the Qur’an, the life of Muhammad, or Islamic law as to the inferiority of women to men, despite the efforts of modern-day apologists to salvage Western-style feminism from scraps and fragments of verses that have historically held no such progressive interpretation.
After military conquests, Muhammad would dole out captured women as war prizes to his men. In at least one case, he advocated that they be raped in front of their husbands. Captured women were made into sex slaves by the very men who killed their husbands and brothers. There are four Qur’anic verses in which “Allah” makes clear that a Muslim master has full sexual access to his female slaves, yet there is not one that prohibits rape.
The Qur’an gives Muslim men permission to beat their wives for disobedience. It plainly says that husbands are “a degree above” wives. The Hadith says that women are intellectually inferior, and that they comprise the majority of Hell’s occupants.
Under Islamic law, a man may divorce his wife at the drop of a hat. If he does this twice, then wishes to remarry her, she must first have sex with another man. Men are exempt from such degradations.
Muslim women are not free to marry whomever they please, as are Muslim men. Their husband may also bring other wives (and slaves) into the marriage bed. And she must be be sexually available to him at any time (as a field ready to be “tilled,” according to the holy book of Islam).
Muslim women do not inherit property in equal portions to males. Their testimony in court is considered to be worth only half that of a man’s. Unlike a man, she must cover her head – and often her face.
If a woman wants to prove that she was raped, then there must be four male witnesses to corroborate her account. Otherwise she can be jailed or stoned to death for confessing to “adultery.”
Given all of this, it is quite a stretch to say that men and women have “equality under Islam” based on obscure theological analogies or comparisons. This is an entirely new ploy that may be designed for modern tastes, but is in sharp disagreement with the reality of Islamic law and history.
Your “religion” is a lie
and Truth is killing it.
hahahahaha, i gave up reading your first reply after three lines. You obviously have alot of spear time to waste… talking utter shit and creating falsehood with your sad pathetic little mind due which has been fromed by mass manipulation by the media, it is not me who is the victim, but infact it is you. BYE!
oh and FUCK Ayatollah Khomeini, it says nothing in the Quran about sex with animals and sodymizing baby’s, it is illegal in sunnah muslim, that fucker is probably a shiite, which if you had done your research prpoerly, you would know that their are several varieties of muslim, most of the media hype you hear is about the fucked up shiite muslim, who cant really be called muslim at all as they follow totally different laws than stated in the quran and are doing a great job at giving people like you the wrong impression of the truth about islam. Do yourself a favour and search the differences between SUNNI muslim, and SHI’ITE muslim.
duh…really? There are Shiites and Sunnis? Ida never knowed if’n you hadn tole me…
you all worship mo the pedophile and that’s enough for me. Enjoyed having men lick his chest, had sex with a corpse. (Probably just necro-curious.) Enjoyed sucking on the tongues of young girls AND boys.
Explain away the dancing boys of islam. Tell me how that does no exist. Are they all of that nasty shiite branch of islam? Oh…that explains it all…not.
The Truth about islam is that your religion kills wherever it goes. Death is what islam sows not Peace.
There have been over 15,000 attacks made in the name of the moon god that mo chose while inventing his “religion”.
Many muslims have admitted to me that islam is nothing more than a totalitarian form of government in the guise of a religion, and they were proud of it! Told me to stuff my Democracy and my Liberty…keep it! they told me. At least THEY were honest. You are delusional or deluded…if there’s a difference.
Women NEED to be smacked around once in a while…
What a horrible life. I would never lay hand on my beloved. I would suffer any agony to protect her from harm and would gladly give up my life to save hers. The thought of raising a hand to her is alien to me. I think it’s a tragedy that you accept it as a part of life. I pity you and pray for your freedom from such a life. Does he hit you with a stick? A fist? An open hand? If an open hand does he backhand you or slap you with the palm.
How barbaric…how islamic.
2010.04.13 (Baghdad, Iraq) – Suspected fundamentalists plant a shrapnel bomb at a liquor store shredding three patrons.
2010.04.13 (Kandahar, Afghanistan) – An 18-year-old woman is brutally shot to death by an Islamic fundamentalist.
2010.04.13 (Isabela, Philippines) – Abu Sayyaf terrorists disguised as policemen attack a Christian town, shooting and blasting nine people to death.
2010.04.12 (Kabul, Afghanistan) – Three women die from trauma suffered during a Sunni mortar attack.
2010.04.12 (Faryab, Afghanistan) – Four police officers are murdered by Taliban bombers.
2010.04.12 (Baghdad, Iraq) – A Fedayeen detonates along a city street, killing five innocents.
Weekly Jihad Report
Apr 03 – Apr 09
Jihad Attacks:
Dead Bodies:
Critically Injured:
I blame islam.
Oh and…I’d be kinda careful about talking bad about the ayatoilet. I was threatened with death a few times for bringing up the Truth about his book.
You, being muslim, must surely bump in to some Shittes…and they might not take kindly to your talk.
They threatened to take my head and put it in my lap.
So you might want to be careful what you post. The members of the religion of Peace are known to kill people all the time and you live among them.
Just sayin’…
Sunni and Shiites and Wahabbists are all doomed to hell. Ba’hai is the true offshoot of Islam. Right Salam?
And SALAM, aren’t you still in High School in New Zealand? With a name like Nancy Van Kooten, when did you decide to convert to islam? Recently? You traded your free white heritage for the voluntary bonds of the slavery of Islam? Your poor Mom and Dad must be aghast.
Somebody smack Pat!
Yes Muslim women are asked to cover up. Why? Because not everyone likes the idea of degrading women like America has. Wet t-shirt contests, Advertising “Sex sells”, and Prostitution. Next time anyone wants to bitch about Muslim modesty ask yourselves why human (aka WOMEN) trafficking INTO the US is so high? Degraded them. Rape them. The less clothes the better! All that crap is disgusting!
Amanda Green, who lives in Colorado Springs- Just because you are a self-proclaimed fat chick doesn’t mean that you have to go and claim those that have the looks and freedom to express themselves are somehow immoral. And get your facts straight about human trafficking. Most human trafficking takes place in Islamic countries, and they refuse to sign onto international UN laws that govern elimination of slavery. And modern slavery was brought about by Islam. You are 20 and supposedly in college. Do your research and find out why US marines are called “leathernecks.” And find out who captured all those black people in Africa for the slave trade. And read up on how Saudis treat their slavegirls (maids they call them) they drag over from Indonesia, Bangledesh and other places.
I just want to dispel a gross misconception mentioned earlier in the comments.
Not all Muslim countries enforce, by law or social etiquette, a compulsory cover-up policy where women are concerned. There are some with these abhorrent laws, which is unfortunate and a terrible warping of the Islamic religion by individuals in power, however; these same countries do not represent the Muslim community in its entirety.
This statement was made simply in the interest of keeping facts straight. Thanks for reading!