
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarreEco-ReligionHumorObamaPoliticsStupid Peoplewitches

These Guys are MoonBats

I often toss around the term “moonbat” in describing leftists and people who ignore science and embrace foolish childish beliefs as a religious practice. Environmentalism has replaced Christianity for many leftists. They still believe all the same things that Christians do- a mythical garden of eden, sin, pennance, and Armageddon. But they have replaced it with sustainability (pennance) carbon footprint (sin) and global warming (Armageddon).

But moonbattery goes much deeper. There are those who think they are werefolk, wiccans, psychics or UFOlogists. These people are completely bereft of any scientific understanding, and they all vote Democrat. Nothing illustrates moonbattery better than the recent petition to President Obama to stop NASA’s Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite mission, or LCROSS, which is how NASA will look for water on the moon.

From the Reg here with thanks to Moonbattery:

Treehugging, possibly lycanthropic web-2.0 campaigners have launched a petition intended to “stop NASA from bombing the Moon!”.

The organisers of the petition claim that the space agency is turning unspoiled lunar wilderness into a “firing range” for space weapons, and that US “imperialists” intend to colonise the moon “without regard for ecosystems or indigenous peoples”.

The Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite mission, or LCROSS, involves crashing a spent Centaur upper-stage rocket into the Cabeus crater at the lunar south pole this Friday; the following LCROSS sniffer-probe will then plummet through the resulting debris plume a couple of minutes later, transmitting readings back to Earth until it too crashes into the Moon.

The intent is to sniff that debris for signs of water. If there is water, NASA will know if it is possible to sustain life on the moon because if there is water, you can make air. And these moonbats or lunatics behind the petition don’t want this to happen to their precious moon. They write at Counterpunch:

This so-called “NASA experiment” is a hostile act of aggression and a violent intrusion upon our closest and dearest celestial neighbor. Does any love song or poem or fairy tale worth its salt not mention the Moon? Who can take a walk in the Moonlight with a lover and not feel the romance to your very soul? At night, when the Moon rules, we sleep, and we can visit the Moon in our sleep with ease. The Moon is our night light, our blanket, our grandmother, our mother—it is woman, child, domestic life, tides, bodies of water, liquids, circulation, comfort, nurturing, paintings by Remedios Varo, stories by Jules Verne, and so much more.

LOL. But they know that their powerful petition-writing fu is no match for the power of the Dark Forces controlling the US Government. They know there is nothing they can do to stop it, so they are going to band together to stop this psychically.

What can we as surrealists or lunatics or astrologers or naturalists or anarcho-primitivists or Greens or werewolves or pagans or psychics or UFO groupies or other concerned members of the general public do? We must soothe the Moon, we bandage her. We implore other celestial bodies and entities to aid her. We will not let her endure this crime or its grim aftermath alone.

We need to communicate to the Moon. Talk to her in our dreams, trances, or meditations, and prepare her for this shock and wound as best we can. Hold her, send out imaginative protection to her, and put our dream bodies out there in front of the bomb. Collectively, we can sabotage the bombing or by imagining all manner of things going wrong, or encouraging the Moon to increase her own magnetic shields. Sing to her. Give her back just a tiny portion of all that she has done for us. We are all created from Moon dust.

We pledge solidarity with the Moon and promise we will do everything that we can to help heal her and to prevent any further such stupid, short-sighted, self-serving, man-made acts of obscene violence against her.

Obama voters- every single last one of them.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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