
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeObamaPoliticsYou're Fired!

ROFL: More Acorn Bitches Need a Good Firing

Hannah Giles just dropped a hint at BigGovernment.Com that the next stop on their American Trek to expose ACORN for their criminal thuggery is about to be released. It will be in San Bernadino, California. Glenn Beck is also promoting this tape to be released on the “Crazy Hour with Glenn Beck Show.” Can’t wait.

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Who will be the next ACORN Bitch to lose her job?
UPDATE! The Lucky Contestant is Teresa Kaelke, who along with helping them setup a brothel for children, also confesses on tape to murdering her husband! Yeah! Along with her is Jim Miller,


ACORN is a bunch of community organizers, just like President Obama. Obama is being asked to drop all ties with ACORN and to ensure they don’t get a single dime of tax payer money. In addition, ACORN is likely to lose their charity status with the IRS according to Sweetness and Lite here. The House of Representatives still have to vote on the bill overwhelmingly passed yesterday by the Senate that strips money from ACORN.

And if Obama severs ties with ACORN it will discredit all of his own past work as a community organizer himself. Obama claims that his leadership experience is a direct result of being a community organizer. But “Community Organizer” is already equated with “criminal” to many people. Distancing himself from ACORN distances Obama from whatever experience he claims to have received.

So what will happen? Will the House vote to strip cash from ACORN? Will the IRS sever ties and strip ACORN of their tax exempt status? And will Obama disown ACORN? If not, they are siding with people who promote slavery of children.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “ROFL: More Acorn Bitches Need a Good Firing

  • She better spend rest of life in prison for that murder! LOL

  • Robb

    It’s JUST so AMAZING!!!! ……………not.

  • JT,
    Thanks for the comment and welcome to the blog! I have heard today that all of her ex husbands are still alive. Sounds to me like this chick has a mental problem.

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