
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

HumorPoliticsStupid People

You’ve Heard of the “N” Word. And the “C” Word. Get Ready for the “R” Word

Political correctness continues to run amok. Only leftists seek to ban words.

From NPR here:

“Retarded” used to be a garden-variety insult, but it may be the next candidate for prime-time bleeping.

E. Duff Wrobbel never gave the word much thought — until his daughter was born with Down syndrome. When she was just a baby, Wrobbel was driving with her when another car cut them off.

“And I actually said that word,” says Wrobbel, who is a professor of speech communications. “And then I stopped my car and got teary. And I thought, ‘Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I just said that.’ “

Now, Wrobbel has joined other activists who campaign against the word “retard.” To them, it’s not a hilarious put-down; it’s hate speech.

That is so gay!

UPDATE! This Bitch is So R-Worded! She talks about LARPing and how no one wants to LARP with her.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

4 thoughts on “You’ve Heard of the “N” Word. And the “C” Word. Get Ready for the “R” Word

  • retarded

    That’s the most retarded thing I ever heard. Bloody lefty lunatics.

  • Gregory

    Trig Palin was unavailable for comment.

  • I’m not trying to be an insensitive prick but, what the hell is wrong with her mouth? She’s got a friggin’ Muppet-mouth! Like somebody’s hand is stuck up her ass and making it open and close but, not enough to cover her jack-rabbit front teeth. Seriously….WTF??? Again, not criticizin’, just askin’.

  • 🙂 I think she has some form of paralysis. That and the no blinking thing. BRRRrrr.

    I was fascinated how she could form “M” sounds using just her tongue.

    Speaking of muppets, she should definitely do her act behind a curtain. Or a bag.

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