You’ve Heard of the “N” Word. And the “C” Word. Get Ready for the “R” Word
Political correctness continues to run amok. Only leftists seek to ban words.
From NPR here:
“Retarded” used to be a garden-variety insult, but it may be the next candidate for prime-time bleeping.
E. Duff Wrobbel never gave the word much thought — until his daughter was born with Down syndrome. When she was just a baby, Wrobbel was driving with her when another car cut them off.
“And I actually said that word,” says Wrobbel, who is a professor of speech communications. “And then I stopped my car and got teary. And I thought, ‘Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I just said that.’ “
Now, Wrobbel has joined other activists who campaign against the word “retard.” To them, it’s not a hilarious put-down; it’s hate speech.
That is so gay!
UPDATE! This Bitch is So R-Worded! She talks about LARPing and how no one wants to LARP with her.
That’s the most retarded thing I ever heard. Bloody lefty lunatics.
Trig Palin was unavailable for comment.
I’m not trying to be an insensitive prick but, what the hell is wrong with her mouth? She’s got a friggin’ Muppet-mouth! Like somebody’s hand is stuck up her ass and making it open and close but, not enough to cover her jack-rabbit front teeth. Seriously….WTF??? Again, not criticizin’, just askin’.
I was fascinated how she could form “M” sounds using just her tongue.
Speaking of muppets, she should definitely do her act behind a curtain. Or a bag.