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ROFL: Two More Acorn Bitches To Go Unemployed

Yesterday I wrote about Acorn Bitch 1 and Acorn Bitch 2, who worked out of the Baltimore Acorn office. Well meet Acorn Bitch 3, Lavernia Boone and her fat sistah Acorn Bitch 4, Sherona Boone. These are the Acorn staffers in Washington DC. They also helped the same undercover duo attempt to purchase a home to use for an illegal alien underage prostitution brothel. And as a bonus, they worked very hard to help the duo evade taxes and avoid prosecution.

HotAir has all the details including the undercover video. Ed writes:

According to ACORN’s staff in DC, a pimp is a “marketeer” or “consultant.” It’s okay to have 10 Salvadorean underage girls turning tricks in the house ACORN will help arrange for them, because the pimps are “just the landlord.” As long as they have a profit and loss report, they have no problems.

In the second video, the ACORN rep makes it clear she understands the implications. She tells James, the prospective politician, to stay clear of the house in order to preserve his political viability. “You can’t hang out at the house,” she advises. “You don’t want to draw attention.”
So much for this being an isolated incident.

Does ACORN provide training to its staff in evading taxes and helping to cover up prostitution rings involving underaged girls?

Apparently so. And we are paying for this training.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “ROFL: Two More Acorn Bitches To Go Unemployed

  • Grayling Purnell

    Hello everyone, one of the women involved in the DC Acorn Investigations, Lavernia Boone is my landlord and she’s been fraudently owning, renting and running the property where i reside and many others for quite some time she’s even went as far as filing her tax returns for 3+ years at my residence stating she lives upstairs and she does not! Shes renting a DC property, residing in upper marlboro, md and on top of that with NO business license, that i know for a fact is illegal… I have not spoke to her in many months as she has not answered my calls. If any lawyers, government officials or anyone can give me any advice or what i should do or talk to next please email me… Thanks

  • Grayling,
    You posted this from a Miami florida IP address. You living down there now? I also noticed you posted this at many different news sites and blogs. If you want to report criminal activity, go to a cop.

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