
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionHumorObamaYou're Fired!

Obama’s Green Czar, Van Jones, Rides the Lollercoaster

A lollercoaster is a series of events which whips up so much drama that it explodes in epic proportions on the internet. When Obama drafted Van Jones- a communist, racist, truther, Mumia-supporter as an unvetted czar of “green jobs” the lollercoaster began climbing up that hill.

When conservative Fox News conspiracy theorist Glenn Beck began to pound on this story and more and more bloggers uncovered the whacky truth behind this “Green Jobs Guru”, the lollercoaster took off, resulting in Obama telling Jones to GTFO of the White House. Van Jones resigned this morning and blamed it all on whitey. I LOLed.

From Michelle Malkin here:

Bay Area Marxist/Truther/Mumia-supporting race hustler-turned-environmental justice guru Van Jones has resigned from his post as Barack Obama’s green jobs czar.

In classic Team Obama style, Jones blames an orchestrated “campaign” of “lies and distortions to distract and divide.” Get ready for the coming media/left-wing martyrdom of Jones.

HotAir has more here.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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