
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Old Ass Hippies

oldasshippies, originally uploaded by BelchSpeak.

This is a picture of “Grandpa Woodstock” and his wife, “Queen Estar” taken during the 40th anniversary of Woodstock. Now you know what the long term effects of pot smoking are: Full Mr. Tumnus Goat’s beards on women, and attempted peace signs are now deformed snakebite signs.

Here is the newsflash that must be said to the aging ’60’s Hipsters- Get over it. It was just a stupid concert. Bonnaroo has better lineups of talent and no one is under the delusion that attending a concert will somehow change the world.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

4 thoughts on “Old Ass Hippies

  • Gregory

    How do you go from trying to change the world, to having the world completly pass you by?

  • It changed their world, dipshit, and they’ve had a beautiful life. Oh you sad, simple, wannabe contrarian.

  • They are the most wonderful people I´ve seen, you moron! Made them my wallpaper for the inspiration they give me. Would like to thank them personally for their courage and thorough good sense of humour!

  • Fredo Giannelli

    Pisses me the hell off that she can grow a better goat than me And I’m a dude!

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