
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

DistractionsfailMoviesStupid People

Guinan Should Be Beamed Into Space

Moonbat Whoopie Goldberg brought heartache to millions of Star Trek fans when she espoused kooky lunar landing conspiracy theories on her morning Talk Show, The View.

According to Salon she said:

This morning on “The View,” Whoopi Goldberg celebrated the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11 by sharing a little cup of crazy. Noting that she’s a fan of “Capricorn One,” the 1978 film about a faked landing on Mars, she goes on to offer a few favorites from the conspiracy theorist handbook: “Who shot the footage?” she asks, and no, she doesn’t appear to be kidding. “Why is the flag rippling? There’s no air.”

The video is here-

Even if she was trying to be provocative and doesn’t really believe this stuff, she should forever be pelted with chewed bubblegum if she shows up to any Star Trek conventions for spouting this heresy. Seriously Whoopi, you fail.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Guinan Should Be Beamed Into Space

  • How irresponsible of her. Go, Barbara Walters! Go, Moon! And, why would a professional astronaut from the 60s, sent on a mission, tasked with filming the walk, turn the camera on himself? He’s there to film the outside.

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