
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionStupid People

Russian Asshat Blames Crashed Jetliner on Global Warming

If you work in climatology and espouse that crazy weather is a result of “Global Warming” such as harsher hurricanes causing the New Orleans Katrina damage, or that jets fall out of the skies because of “teh bad weather” you should have your children hired by Al Gore and forced to sneak into North Korea to report on Norkie fashion super-models. The assertion is just not true. And there are no Norkie super-models.

How climatologists explain global warming: Planes somehow fly themselves into storms where they explode and body parts of French People rain from the skies.

From RussiaToday here:

As the investigation continues as to what brought down the French airliner over the Atlantic Ocean with 228 people on board, a Russian climatologist believes global warming played a significant part.

The rest of the article was full of hairybullshit about climate zones and how liberals shouldn’t be afraid to fly. Aleksey Kokorin, the twatknuckle that claimed that the airline crash was caused by Global Warming, also said that a flaming peatbog in Russia a few years ago was “teh badness” too. He said here:

Peatland fires of five years ago caused Moscow to be enveloped in a thick smoke for weeks. Dozens of people are estimated to have died, whilst thousands had to get medical treatment. No one knows whether this year will see a repeat of 2002, but environmentalists are saying that the long-term prospects are bleak.

“This will occur more and more frequently because it is not a local event; it is a general trend of global warming. It will increase until globally, greenhouse gas emissions are reuced,” Aleksey Kokorin from the World Wildlife Fund comments.

Hey Aleksey-  Bad pilots and bad firefirefighters are causing your problems, NOT global warming.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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