The Messiah Begs Forgiveness for his Sins
Barack Obama has proved that if you swing a dead cat in a room full of democrats, the first four you hit probably cheated on their taxes. And if Joe Biden has insisted in the past that paying taxes is patriotic, does this make Tom Daschle, Nancy Killefer, and Timothy Geithner traitors? Watch the video below where the most perfect man since Jesus says he’s sorry about screwing up his transition.
Does it make America feel better to switch from the “Decider” to the “Apologizer?”
He wants to be admired now for admitting that he’s a moron and a crook.
Speaking of morons, how about Pelosi?
“Every months the US is losing 500,000,000 jobs!”
And who would have predicted that hiring a vastly underqualified community agitator as president would turn out badly?
You know, I heard Mark Stein on the Rush Limbaugh show yesterday talking about what a stupid job it is to be a community organizer. And who would ever want to live in a community that requires community organizers?
I have a more true-to-life description of what a community organizer is: A Ghetto Wrangler. When poor black people step out of line, the ghetto wrangler comes in and lines them back up. Makes sure they vote correctly.
Barack said he was changing America from the bottom up; I think he meant he was changing it with bottom-feeders. He also claimed that he did not want to send Americans a message that there are 2 sets of standards– one for ordinary people and one for the powerful. Too late, Mr. President. We’ve HEARD and have SEEN your message LOUD and CLEAR.