
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Japanese Police Sketch Artists Take Shortcuts

Instead of drawing stuff out free-handed based on eyewitness accounts, Japanese police sketch artists are taking the lazy way out. They just fire up the Nintendo Wii and make a Mii character. Check out the photo below for a suspect in a hit and run.


Thanks to the Reg for the story here:

Cops in the Kanagawa area of Japan have begun sticking up pictures of the Nintendo Mii in the hope that a Wii-obsessed gamer will recognise the drawing from, say, a recent game of Wii Sports. Register Hardware’s unsure if the Mii is actually taken from the gamer’s account – in which case they should be able to track the gamer down pretty easily – or if it’s just a mock-up of someone seen speeding away from the scene of the crime.

Either way, it simply goes to show how heavily the Wii has infiltrated our culture.

Just the other day I setup my own Mii character on my friend’s Wii in order to do some bowling.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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