Obama the Next Step of Humanity?
What is going to happen when the world wakes up on January 21st and realizes that nothing has changed? No wars will end, no terrorist prisons will be closed. No diseases will be cured. And despite having purchased the sneakers, the Obama-Bopp comet will not take all those freezing people on the mall in DC “home” to the mother ship.
The Hatian-born Governor general of Canada seems to think that Obama being elected was better than being freed from slavery, and represents a “major step” for humanity.
From the French AFP here:
Barack Obama’s historic arrival at the White House Tuesday is “a major step” for of all humanity, Canada’s Haitian-born Governor General Michaelle Jean said Sunday on an official visit to the poor Carribean nation.
Jean said Haitians would be deeply affected by “this new chapter being written” in the United States. The election of African American “is a major step not only for the USA, not only for the world’s black population, but also for humanity,” she added.
What happened in Haiti, where in 1804 the country’s black African and creole population freed itself from slavery by overthrowing the colonial regime, was similar to Obama’s election experience, in that Haiti’s revolution was also “in the name of freedom, equality and fraternity,” she said.
Haiti won its freedom by killing all the white folks. And despite all the international aid, Haiti is still one gigantic ghetto of people living on welfare and handouts from other countries. Almost 6% of the population is infected with HIV/AIDS. Will Obama finally bring wealth to Haiti? Definitely not. But its nice to dream.
You beat me to it. I made a Red Obama icon but I haven’t had a chance to use it yet.