
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Merry International Gash a Muslim Baby’s Head Day!

Its that wonderful time of the year for the Religion of Peace where men (no bitches allowed!) young and old cut themselves to celebrate Ashura. This ancient bloodletting rite is handed down from generation to generation because Muhammad’s grandkid, Imam Hussein, was a dirty Emo cutter who listened to mopey music and was sad because his three underage wives just “weren’t that into him.”

With all the bloodshed, it makes you wonder if they worry about AIDS, but then you remember that all the gays in Muslim lands are killed, so problem solved.  But a nasty outbreak of Hepatitis or staph would be a nice capper on these disgusting celebrations.

A Shi’ite Muslim taps the head of a baby with a razor to draw blood during a ceremony marking Ashura in Nabatieh, south Lebanon, January 7, 2009.

Thanks to Sweetness and Light for the pics.  Previous Ashura celebratory blog posts are here and here.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

9 thoughts on “Merry International Gash a Muslim Baby’s Head Day!

  • I am a muslim, but this is sick..Allah tells us to take care of our bodies and keep them healthy, not to purposely injure ourselves in the memory of people who have died in the past..i believe we can remember and mourn in a more sane way for the dead who have suffered. And, to do that to a child is sick, and child abuse.

  • I try not to be judgemental, that is for Allah(swt) but when i see such insanity, i just can’t keep silent. It is also a form of idolotry to worship imams,and a big sin to separate the islamic religion into sects. wake up people. we all have a right to our beliefs, but this is wrong on so many levels. sorry, its just my opinion

  • and, for the record, i would like to say that this does not represent the true islam. History is filled with barbaric acts from many different cultures, the british, the french, the chinese…etc. You must learn more about the true islam before you can make a judgement, i am no expert,but i know what is right and wrong. It doesnt help with all of the negative representation in the media, and a lot of the things we hear and see on tv is based on a cultural context, not the religion.

  • Sofiya,

    you do not have to learn about true islam, (whatever the hell that is) to be able to make a judgment about the behavior of the people that profess to be Islamic.

    The shedding of blood is practiced in all Islamic sects– and this practice is only performed by followers of Islam and barbarian cannibals in third world countries. No other modern religion practices blood sacrifice.

  • Yes, you are correct, you do not have to learn about a religion to make a judgement about people’s bad behaviour. The the truth is, there are good and bad people in every culture and religion. I don’t understand why muslims in these countries act the way they do. I can only speak for my own knowledge of what the religion is meant to represent, and not how these sick people twist it to suit their own way of thinking. This happened to the catholic church as well at one point in history. I agree with you about these pictures, i was shocked to see these pictures, and i believe these people who belong to the shiite sect of islam(which is wrong to begin with, in my opinion) have their own warped sense of what islam means to them. I dont mean to insult all shias…just some of the practices that seem paganistic and in itself is against the religion of islam. I think any good person, as i am sure you are, is against any such violence and behaviour against another person, especially a child which particularly disgusts me to see such brutality agains a poor innocent defenseless child. I believe that religion has caused so many problems in the world and i believe that our religion should be a personal thing, a relationship between ourselves and our God,if that is what we believe in, and to be a good person in general. I assure you that the islam i practice is nothing like what you are seeing. I pray, give charity, treat people with kindness and respect, read my quran, and go to mosque. I do not worship idols or participate in these kind of activities which is the same for millions of muslims around the world who’s only desire is to please God by being a good person and remembering HIM. I did not mean to offend you or your beliefs.

  • Upon reading what i last wrote I realized that what I said about shiite muslims having a warped sense of islam,was insensitive and judgemental. I apologize. I have no right to judge. I must, however, cling to my own beliefs and which do not include some of the things they do in their practices. But the only judge is Allah and to non muslims..GOD.. and HE will decide what is right and wrong.

  • Sofiya,
    God gave you a brain that is capable of deciding and judging what is right and wrong. To ignore that is a sin because it is a slap in God’s face to reject his gift of knowlege.

  • yes i agree with that , Allah gave us the capability to acquire knowledge and He also gave us free will. It is left to us to decide which path to take. Some people take the right path and some people take the wrong path. I know what is right and wrong. I know that these practices are wrong. I was talking about the fact..that God knows above all of us what is right and wrong, and those people who do wrong sometimes think they are right…that is what i meant.

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