
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


January 1st in Iraq Will be Sovereignty Day

Does this article from the Associated Press mean the war in Iraq is over and that we’ve won? Sure sounds like it to me.

A puppy sleeps beneath the hat of a US serviceman in Iraq

From the AP here:

Iraq’s prime minister says the handover of the heavily fortified Green Zone and the presidential palace is the most visible sign his country has regained its sovereignty.

Nouri al-Maliki spoke Thursday during a ceremony marking the takeover by Iraqi authority of Saddam Hussein’s large palace.

The takeover is part of a security deal with the United States. After the 2003 U.S.-led invasion the palace had served as the U.S. Embassy and headquarters of the U.S military in Iraq.

Al-Maliki says he will propose Jan. 1 as a national holiday to commemorate what he described as “Sovereignty Day” — the day Iraq took the lead in security from U.S. forces of its airspace and a wide swath of Baghdad’s Green Zone.

Congrats to the people of Iraq for taking control of their country.  I hope they never let anyone like Saddam Hussein bully them again.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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