Keeping It Real: African Wiccans Sacrifice 12-Year-Old Boy
It pisses me off that liberal newspaper writers have to trot out complete frauds like Coconut Grove Witch Sandra Cheryl Richardson during the Christmas season in a bald attempt to promote Wiccans and the Winter Solstice festival they celebrate. The stupid bitch prattles on in this article in the Miami Herald about her psychic powers and how she is a paranormal investigator, which means she makes a living ripping off stupid people. She should be a real wiccan like these two fellas in the picture below. For their winter solstice, they didn’t screw around with gay tarot cards and chanting the winds around a spicy-smelling candle. They gashed a little boy- the nephew of one of them- in the throat with a knife, killing him instantly. They needed his head to make a wealth potion. Blessed Be!
These are real practitioners of Wicca. They don’t mess around with stupid incense and candles.
From the Uganda Daily Monitor here:
Police have arrested three men for the Boxing Day ritual murder of a 12-year-old boy, Eriya Kalule.
The three suspects confessed to police that they had murdered Kalule after receiving money from a witch.
The suspects are the witchdoctor, Mr Joseph Kitamirike, who allegedly ordered the sacrifice of the child. His accomplices are Mr Patrick Makonzi, 19, an uncle to the slain child, and Mr Patrick Otuba, 38, of Nambula village.
Mr Makonzi offered his nephew as a sacrifice and later helped Mr Otuba to hack the teenage boy to death. He also tasked Mr Otuba to dig up a grave of a man who had died rich and get him the bones, along with the child’s head for use in performing the rituals.
Mr Otuba paid Mr Makonzi Shs50,000 and asked him to find him a child for sacrifice. “He is the one who brought the money and said we were going to get more if I got them my nephew’s head,” Mr Makonzi said, pointing at Mr Otuba.
Mr Makonzi said he lured his nephew to a thicket during lunch hours on Friday, promising that they were going to eat fene (jack fruit).
Mr Otuba was already waiting and they dragged the boy away and slit his throat, killing him instantly, Mr Makonzi said.
The wiccans in Africa probably laugh their black asses off at the posers here in the US who profess to worship the “goddess” and wear all black and purple and put glitter in their hair.
In my local fishwrap, on Christmas Eve, they had a full page article on “Humanist Yule” and the Winter Solstice. In the first sentence they claimed that “The Emperor Constantine invented Christmas in the year 400.” This is quite an achievement, since he died in 337.
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BTW, remember when Team Obama took questions on their website (still no answers) and I left 2% of all questions [“When Muslims kill Americans, do you feel a conflict-of-interest?” “Are you so ugly because Frank Marhall Davis is your real father?”]. They’re so dumb they’ve asked me to try again:
Dear Akira,
We recently launched a new feature on called Open for Questions. Thousands of you responded, asking 10,000 questions and voting nearly a million times on questions from others.
Now that we’ve answered some of the most popular ones from the last round, we are open for questions again. Ask whatever you like, and vote up or down on the other questions to let us know which ones you most want the Transition to answer.
Get started now at
Open for Questions
We’re looking forward to learning about what you want to know.
John D. Podesta
Obama-Biden Transition Project
Akira, I can’t believe that they would invite you back. Rock on, have some fun!
Once was enough. Life’s too short.
The arrogance of it is what bothered me. While campaigning, they filtered all youtube comments. Now they set up this scam “ask anything” assuming that everyone loves Obama, and ignoring that answers are more important than questions.
And since they’ll just ignore questions they don’t like [serious questions like “Why did you campaign twice for Blagoevich?”] will end up only used by Obamites, with the editors claiming the users are “The American People”.
Not only that, but why are they bothering with opinions from the whole world? It’s just a sham. The appearance of openness and democracy.
I may be wrong but, I think that one guy recently shat himself.
Is it any wonder the entire African continent remains mired in squalor, misery, and despair when you have people who’ll do something like this? Honestly, I don’t know why we, or anybody, bother to offer help. Show me one sign that decades and trillions of dollars of American taxpayers’ money has accomplished a thing in Africa. The entire continent is a shit-hole. It should be nuked and started over.
“Not only that, but why are they bothering with opinions from the whole world?”
Quite elementary. It’s because the whole World has a huge boner for ‘bama. The people running that site know very well that 90% of input from the rest of the World will be positive and that the remaining negative ones will just be drowned out.
I can assure you that it’s getting quite tiresome by now to hear the constant praise and approval of this man.
“Show me one sign that decades and trillions of dollars of American taxpayers’ money has accomplished a thing in Africa.”
You forgot to mention the decades and trillions of Pounds, Euros, Marks, etc. of European taxpayers’ money.
Re: 12/20 posting by Pat.
You really show your ignorance with your words. I feel sorry for people like you that cannot back up your words with facts, and can only give your opinion. Remember what “they” say about opinions, and yours really stinks. Probably as much as the guy’s pants in the above photo.
By the way, I am not a bitch, I am THE Bitch, and it is Ms. Bitch to you!
How did I show any ignorance at all? Spare me your emotional reaction, you warty hag. You rip off stupid people for a living and are not the least bit ashamed of it. If someone burns you at the stake your psychic powers would never see it coming.
My psychic powers tell me that your main problem is you suffer from cranial rectal inversion. I bet it’s dark and smelly in there! I am sure that if this condition ever lessens, you will be able to think clearly again. Take a deep breath and enjoy the fresh air from your present location.
Its nice to see that the extent of your psychic abilities amounts to stealing insults from wittier writers. You do not have any psychic powers, nor do you have any magical powers. Your religion is a fake too. Stop ripping off stupid people you hag.
First of all
You are wrong because u are using WICCAN as an interchangable word with WITCH.
THere are HUNDREDS of OTHER TYPES OF Witches..not to mention witches in different RELIGIONS.
TO say that the Nigerian witch is wiccan is RETARDED . Most nigerians do a form of AFRICAN VOODOO magick, its not wiccan!
That is wrong. Wicca, to start, started in the U.S by gerald gardner & they cannot be real wiccans since they disobeyed the law of wicca. An’ it harm none, do what ye wilt.Basically, they are the fakes who does not really know what is wicca.
Kevin, like all Wiccans, you discriminate against your black brethren. Why aren’t there any black wiccans? Why are you wiccans all so quick to dismiss the magick of dark colored people around the world?
Yeah, that’s not Wicca, it’s some African voodoo thing. Wicca is the Peaceful -do-no-harm- type leave nature as is etc etc (except for a few pseudo-Wicca dorks maybe… These guys don’t look like they have anything to do with Wicca.