
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Reason 559 to HomeSchool: Substitute Teacher Won’t Give Your Daughter’s Personal Information to Child Pornographers

Meet Ephraim Aguirre II. This pervert has been trading photos with child pornographers for a few years- photos which depict children being abused, molested and injured- and up until last month, he paid his porn bills by teaching school in Fresno, California.

In addition to trading photos, he also chatted with other perverts online, bragging to one that he had sex with a 4 year old, and told another perv that he wanted to abduct, rape and murder a child.  And to top it all off, he told one criminal kiddie-porn trafficker that he had one hot child in his class, and gave away her contact information.  A school teacher selling your child’s safety to an online predator is horrifying!

All of this came to light when Aguirre was busted for raping a student of his.  From KSEE here:

Clovis Police late Wednesday arrested 28-year-old Ephraim Aguirre II for having unlawful sex with a minor, a former student of his. Aguirre worked for the Fresno Unified School District as a full-time substitute history teacher at McLane High School during the 2006-2007 school year.

Officers arrested Aguirre for one count each of the following felonies: oral copulation with a minor, penetration with a foreign object, and unlawful sex with a minor under the age of 18.

The most shocking details came when police forensics went through his computers.  According to the Fresno Bee here:

More than 2,000 child pornography images were found on Ephraim Aguirre II’s computer, and he wrote in chats with his photo-trading partners of a desire to molest and then murder a child.

Aguirre was living in Clovis when police there launched an investigation that led to charges of having unlawful sex with a minor. The girl, now 17, was at one time a teacher’s assistant in a history class Aguirre taught. She was 15 at the time.

During a post-arrest interview, Aguirre said he had downloaded “thousands of images of child sexual abuse.”  The investigation found that Aguirre exchanged images with at least 29 people around the nation and the world over the past two years.

In one chat that accompanied the photo trading, Aguirre boasts of molesting a 4-year-old girl, and in another he provided personal information of one of his students and made multiple sexual references about her. His chat comments with a person in Australia talked about abducting, raping and murdering a child.

And this isn’t the first kiddie-porn criminal that worked at the Lawless Elementary School in the Fresno School district.  A music teacher, Terry Zane, 57, was busted back in October for trading in Child Porn.  Think about that-  10% of school teachers in a single elementary school were busy trading in kiddie porn-  and they were the ones who were caught. Thanks to Bad Bad Teacher for the story.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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