
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeEco-ReligionPiratesStupid People

Moonbat Actress Daryl Hannah Turns to Piracy on High Seas

Last I blogged about Daryl Hannah, she was up a tree in Los Angeles intefering with the property rights of private citizens, to prevent a landowner from using his land to build a warehouse.  Not happy with the amount of laws she broke to pursue her moonbat eco-religionist agenda, she has now joined the ship’s crew of Animal Planet’s Whale Wars so she can commit acts of piracy against Japan.

I have seen a few of these episodes, and the crew of the Steve Irwin, which sails from Australia, engage in illegal acts of war against peaceful Japanese crews.  Such piratical acts include attempts to disable the ships, throw acid at the Japanese crews and even illegal boardings.  From the AFP here:

Actress Daryl Hannah will sail for the inhospitable South Ocean on Wednesday as part of a campaign to stop Japanese whalers from slaughtering the giant animals.

Hannah, best known for her role as a mermaid in the 1984 hit “Splash”, will be part of the militant Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s annual campaign to find, track and impede the whaling ships.

The film star on Wednesday will join the “Steve Irwin”, which departs from the eastern Australian city of Brisbane, for the first week of the voyage.

Japan aims to kill 1,000 whales a year using a loophole in a 1986 global moratorium that allows “lethal research” on the ocean giants.

Why is it that leftists are always claiming that the United Nations can solve all their problems, and when it doesn’t, as in this case of failing to ban all whaling, they take matters into their own hands?  Why don’t they work out their differences peacefully, “make love, not war,” and get the laws changed at the United Nations?  Is it because the world thinks it is fair that this many animals are culled yearly? In 22 years, this topic hasn’t come up for discussion at the UN?

I hope she suffers from sea sickness.  One thing’s for sure.  Joining a pirate crew in 2008/2009 at the height of public outrage over piracy sure is a dumb thing to do.

The Japanese are sure to return to their whaling this year armed with defensive mechanisms to stop the pirates of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.  I hope they bring an armed escort.  It will make for a hilarious episode of Whale Wars.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

5 thoughts on “Moonbat Actress Daryl Hannah Turns to Piracy on High Seas

  • That’s a shame because she’s done great work on stopping human trafficking from Thailand.

  • Didn’t she just act in a movie about it? She’s hardly Condi Rice when it comes to that issue. And whatever work she did for that was completely overshadowed by her looney views on Climate Change and eco terrorism.

  • Gregory

    And here I was told “war is not the answer”.

  • There’s a joke in here somewhere having to do with whale feces and Daryl’s career, or something….I just know it. Can’t quite put my finger on it.

  • billy jack

    whoever wrote that above crap about daryl should apply for a brain installation before daring to write again. f—— idiot….

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