Venice, Italy Floods; Black Italians Blame Bush
Thousands of Black Italians camped angrily on rooftops across the northern Italy city of Venice today because of rising floodwaters and President Bush’s stubborn inattention to the plight of the black man. Unsubstantiated rumors of cannibalism taking place in the Venice Opera House were reported by Italian news agencies as fact, and widespread looting was reported at Italian convenience stores around the region.
Flooded St. Mark’s Square, with St. Mark’s Basilica in the background, in Venice, northern Italy
“I blame Bush” said cardboard signs drawn up and held aloft for circling news helicopters. Anderson Cooper of CNN was immediately dispatched to the area so he could indignantly blame the failures of the Bush White House as the cause of the overtopping of the flood walls.
Black Italians panicked and hijacked passersby for piggyback rides
When a reporter asked President Bush during his afternoon Rosegarden news conference why he was not doing more to help stranded blacks trapped in this latest flood, Bush reportedly said that it was “Italy’s problem.” Shame on you Mr. President.
President-Elect Obama said that the first thing he would do when he got into office would be to “redeploy” the floodwaters from the Italian town.
The most blatant example of Global Warming since the even greater floods of 1966!
Anyway, what you fail to report is that Venice’s Democratic Party administration failed to employ dykes all around the city.
And it was a Democrat Doge who first had the bright idea to build a city in the middle of the sea!
I don’t care how many lesbians the Democrats have- I don’t think there would be enough to hold back the flood waters.
Kanye Ouest:
“Il Bush non piocciono i negri!”
You made me babelfish that, and I LOL’ed!
Should be “I negri non piacciono il Bush”
That’s what I get for trying to show off.
Anyway, I thought Sicilians were the blacks of Italy…
Why on earth does everyone blame EVERYTHING on President Bush?? How crazy, the man is not God…I’m sick and tired of the entire world blaming one man for Everything-wake up take responsibility for your own and your country’s own actions. Everyone thinks Obama is gonna save the World….AGAIN WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE, HE IS ONLY ONE MAN…NOT GOD!! Just wait and see what this unexperienced man does too. You think the world looks bad now?? You Haven’t seen nothing yet. Read your Bibles…Revelations…it’s gonna get a lot worse, we are in the end days! Look to God not these two men.
amen annoyed