
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

ObamaWhy Homeschool?

Reason 142 to Homeschool: Obama Teachers Won’t Bully Kids Who Support McCain

Welcome, HotAir Readers!
And Welcome Michelle Malkin Readers!

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Wow, this post has gotten quite a bit of Attention. Thanks also goes to Moonbattery, Riehl World View, Neptunus Lex, American Power, Lone Star Times, Sister Toldjah, PoliGazette, Stop The ACLU, Libertarian Paleo-Conservative, and Gateway Pundit for the links and traffic! I even see some referral traffic from the Freepers and the Lizardoids.

This is a video of Diantha Harris, a lifelong democrat and avid Barack Obama supporter. She is also a lousy schoolteacher, as is evidenced by the mushmouthed kids in her class. And instead of concentrating on grammar and English, math and science, she abuses and ridicules any child who dares to speak up in support of John McCain. This video is part of a Finnish documentary on Obama fans, and it is shocking that you have to go to a foreign country to learn what goes on in our own classrooms.

See how she singles out the little white girl and mocks her for having an absent parent, who is off defending the country, and lies to her, saying her Dad would have to stay in Iraq for a hundred years? The little girl was ready to cry! Disgusting.

Diantha Harris: It’s a senseless war! [Stares at Kathy.] And by the way, Kathy, the person that you’re picking for president said [Harris shakes her head] that our troops could stay in Iraq for another hundred years if they need to! [Kathy bites her lip, looks ashamed. Other kids stare at Kathy, laugh, smirk.] So that means that your daddy could stay in the military for another hundred years!

[Kathy is on verge of tears.]

[In an interview later:]

Diantha Harris: Now I can support whomever I want to support, as long as I don’t browbeat another person for the candidate that they supported. Like I have some students that support John McCain, and when they told me that, I said ah … “that’s good’ and I just moved on. So, I think that everybody is entitled to their own personal opinion.

You know, the schools are banning kickball, dodgeball and tag on the playgrounds because they are afraid of bullies. Seems to me the bullies are the ones with the chalkboard erasers. Lots of thanks to Akira here for the video and the transcript.

Ken at TundraTabloid broke this story here.


The school superintendent has launched an investigation. Here is what he wrote on the school website here about Diantha Harris’ classroom conduct.

I was shocked when I saw the clip of an interaction between a Cumberland County Schools teacher and her students as posted on YouTube. While neutral discussion of the political process is appropriate, at no time, particularly with elementary students, should a teacher infuse his/her political views into the discussion. Most disconcerting was the military slant that made its way into this discussion. We are a military community, serving over 15,000 military students and their families. We value the sacrifices, not only of the military parents but also those of their families.

We believe that military children are our children, military spouses are many of our employees, and military service men and women are our heroes. We proudly serve our military children and have received national awards for our support of military families.

I was particularly disturbed to see the uncomfortable position in which our children were placed due to the inappropriate actions of one of our teachers. Please be assured that the actions exhibited in this video are not consistent with the vision of the CCS. Moreover, the actions of one teacher do not represent the 7000 employees in our organization.

Once the video was brought to my attention, I immediately launched an investigation. Personnel laws prevent me from releasing information regarding individual employees and personnel action taken. I can assure you that upon completion of the investigation, I will take appropriate action.

Dr. William Harrison
CCS’ Superintendent

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

167 thoughts on “Reason 142 to Homeschool: Obama Teachers Won’t Bully Kids Who Support McCain

  • venomous

    damn with idiotic teachers like this,and a corrupt,liberal school system…no onder we have so many dumb fux willing to vote for weak,metrosexual empty suit.

  • Has anyone found out where this woman works so we can email/write the school board, send them this doc.? What a bully…

  • She works in North Carolina

  • tnmama

    We live in a very Republican County and are having a meeting with a school board member as well as the Principal and Teacher at the Middle School my daughter attends. The teacher gave a lecture yesterday morning on how wonderful it was that Obama was elected President and how great socialism is and that Obama and McCain feel about the same on abortion. This is a social studies teacher who is supposed to be teaching ancient history but spent her class time indoctrinating the children on the virtues of redistribution.

  • rteecher

    I found this video to be disgusting! She was way out of line and should definitely be reprimanded. The school superintendent has surely heard about this by now, and should be organizing some training sessions to combat any future cases of this irresponsible behavior. If he hasn’t, he’s an idiot…… imagine the potential lawsuits! By the way….. I’m a teacher.

  • Paul in NJ

    There’s a lot more info on Diantha Harris here

    But this is no ordinary teacher, she is Diantha Harris, the ex-wife of Roy Harris, the man who asked George Bush Sr. in the Rose Garden of the White House, to visit his family in N.Carolina in 1992.

  • Hedonikos

    She really did not need to bring her political beliefs into teaching these children. Instead she should have stated that everyone in this nation is equal and entitled to have their own opinions. She overstepped her boundries and she should be called on the carpet for it. But then I read some of the garbage posted here and I have to admit education was lost on a lot of you too. You are as bad as she is suggesting that ALL public school teachers are like this and it is all about being a liberal conspiracy. Can you get any more stupid than that? Good greif! Why ya’alls musta bin home schooled. Learned that on the 6th day God made the Remington rifle to shoot the dinosaurs. And the homosexuals. Ignorance abounds on both sides folks. You certainly expressed that here today.

  • I’m a retired teacher and I have been watching this dumbing down of America since I started teaching in 1958. The ignorance that is being forced upon children is just unacceptable. And all the schools today care about is test scores on government mandated tests. The evaluation of teachers in most schools is a joke. If the principal likes you or thinks you are cute, or if you are a minority, you do well on evaluation. Good teachers are forced out due to low pay, stress, overwork and overcrowding, the emphasis on tests, being forced to teach out of their field, having to teach under horrible conditions, being threatened by students and parents, etc. Experienced teachers are cut in order for districts to save money, build new schools, or buy new computers, or even to increase administrator’s salaries.
    Private schools can be just as bad as some public schools with a lot more favoritism and bullying going on, among other things. I sent my children to a private school in several places because I wanted them to have the religious element and more individualized attention. It was a disaster and I pulled them out. My son was slapped in the face and humiliated in front of his class by his teacher who was also the principal, repeatedly, I learned. The other students were told that, if they told anyone, they would get worse. When I found out and talked to the priest, he just thought that the woman wasn’t getting enough sleep! I told my son that he didn’t have to take that and, if it happened again, to just quietly walk out and come to my school. It did so I took my children out of school and put them in my school district.
    Homeschooling might be good, if the parents are qualified and educated. But just look at how many parents do not have a clue about how to teach and are not educated themselves. I know one woman who decided to homeschool her daughter. The poor girl got 3 years behind in school. Her schedule was Homemaking: Clean the house for her mother and cook meals for her mother. Art: color in a coloring book designed for 5 year olds. And that was it! For 3 years! The mother finally put her child back in school for her senior year, just for the activities, and was upset when they put her daughter back and wouldn’t let her graduate with her class. She had all those TAKS tests to face, too, before she could get her diploma.
    When I hear people telling others to homeschool their children, I think of how difficult that is, if the parents are not educated and able to teach.
    I also think that, someday, the children are goint to get out in the world and have to deal with all kinds of people, many of whom are products of these schools and teachers.
    I know, in some cases it works well. But you have to add a bit of caution.
    I wish there were some way to remove these bad teachers and administrators, but, sometimes, that’s all they can get. Some people think those type of teachers are just great. And good teachers can’t get a job.
    Good luck to that one little girl. It’s a shame that she is so outnumbered and being fed such drivel.

  • it makes me laugh when there are supposed studies that support less homework is better.

    Better for this fat pie eater who was given a licence to ruin our youth.

    I dought she could remember a single class she went through in college because she was equally failed.

    As long as everyone is stupid together its ok.

  • Capster

    No wonder Obama won NC, the black teachers in NC evidently were indoctrinating their students to let their parents know who to vote for. What a despicable human being. And Obama wants to bring the Country together. How can he, when you have people like this teacher who are preaching hate. Who is the racists now. This woman should be fired and never allowed to teach anyone again.


  • john5750

    I’ll bet she’s one of those Obama supporters who voted multiple times, too.

  • Cecelia in Texas,

    Seeing teachers do this must be painful to current and retired teachers alike. But many teachers unfortunately share an arrogance that what they do is so difficult that only those that undergo specialized training are qualified to teach.

    I simply beg to differ. I have documented on this blog countless of times when teachers didn’t know what they were doing, or worse, were child rapists. I just don’t think the evidence nowadays points to any specialized skills in teaching, and this video is the perfect example of that.

    And Hedonikos, of course all teachers aren’t like this. Most bust their asses in what is ultimately a job that offers few benefits and less rewards.

    But with the advent of new technology, remote classroom software, great private curriculum, most parents can easily provide the equivalence of, and often better than, the education that can be offered in a state-run school.

  • I also notice that she had to put the words in the black girls mouth…

  • Patriot

    This is just about the saddest thing I’ve seen in a long time. It’s difficult enough for a military family to cope with a dad being gone for long periods of time in the service of his county, but for this precious girl to have to endure this filth and hatred from an adult who is in authority over her is simply heart-breaking.

    This woman is a monster.

  • qrstuv

    Anyone who bullies a child like that should never be allowed in front of a classroom.

    What a scumbag.

  • Asheville Citizen-Times is desperate to inform readers that Harris left Asheville in 2004 and now teaches in Cumberland

    Harris on Thursday [November 6th] said she wasn’t advocating for one candidate over the other … She said her comments of “Oh lord” and “Oh Jesus” were her way of engaging her students to spur discussion. “I wasn’t necessarily pulling for one person or the other,” she said in a telephone interview from her home in Fayetteville. “If I was pulling for just one person then I would have never said the other person’s name.” She said her comment to the child whose father was in the military was not meant to change the child’s mind about supporting McCain.

  • Cumberland schools:

    And yes, I’m trying to find out what actual school she’s at.

    Not out of vindictiveness.

    I’m sure she’ll never be fired.

    Perhaps it’ll be a media issue – see how she’s already been interviewed in the Ashville paper [they’re saying: “She’s not one of us!]. Maybe next will be Fayetteville, where she lives, or even national.

    My point/goal:

    I think the school indoctrination is the root of the media bias.

    It must be exposed

  • If anyone knows anybody at the the following facilities in Cumberland County, please let them know about this video:

    Fort Bragg [82nd Airborne etc]
    Pope Air Force Base
    Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Cumberland
    Womack Army Hospital

  • pickedaname

    Charter schools! Cry out for using our school tax $ whereever WE WANT instead of being bound to a zipcode! Go for competition to put morons like her out of a job until she sees the light!

  • this woman is scum and should be suspended at length or fired immediately. In reality, she will be celebrated for “speaking truth to power”


  • Les Launer

    This teacher, and I use the term reluctantly, is a disgrace. That she seeks to assert her political beliefs against a group of kids who cannot defend themselves against her authority is criminally negligent on her part. I’d like to see her try that BS against an adult-almost any of them most likely better educated-and see how she fares against someone who can fight back against such reckless hate and racism. We trust you with our children. Do you understand that? We trust YOU with our children, and this is what we get?…a hate-mongering bully who abuses her position to brainwash impressionable children to further her own political stances?-HITLER DID THAT TO GERMAN CHILDREN! Are you pleased with how THAT turned out? I’ll bet you are! You should have been a NAZI-too bad they would’ve turned you down for your color! For a teacher, you didn’t learn a damn thing from the long history of hate mongers like Hitler, Stalin, Musollini, Pol Pot, or any number of others who abused their authority to poison the impressionable minds of the children to build a society that kills others from their hatred. I can only pray that Obama doesn’t think like you. I hope a majority of Americans didn’t just put their faith in this Messiah in vain. In any event, politics don’t belong in the classroom if the teacher cannot be non-partisan. I’m afraid you, Diantha Harris, failed-in every way a teacher can-shame on you.

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