
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Nigerian Shoots Self With BB-Gun; Blames Racist Bald Dog Walker

Drudge linked to an article that said a man was shot by a crazed racist just because he was wearing an Obama T-Shirt.  And get this:  It happened in London, England, where guns are illegal and closed circuit cameras blanket the streets.  Somehow, this racist, who was bald and walking a dog, was able to elude the police and all of the cameras.  Of course, there is no arrest, because there wasn’t an attacker-  just a Nigerian liberal who thinks that a claim of a hate crime will somehow further his political agenda.

From the DailyMail here:

A man told today how he was shot three times in a London street for wearing a Barack Obama T-shirt.

Nigerian immigrant Dube Egwuatu was buying a mobile telephone top-up card in an off-licence when the gunman confronted him and glared at the t-shirt, which carries an image of the Democrat US presidential candidate underneath the legend ‘Believe’.

The man then launched into a tirade of racist slurs, shouting ‘I fucking hate niggers’. The man then left the shop and when Mr Egwuatu left, the attacker was waiting for him in broad daylight with a threatening-looking dog and holding a gun behind his back.

Realising what had sparked the increasingly violent assault, the terrified Mr Egwuatu zipped up his jacket to cover the image of Mr Obama and walked to his car.

But the shaven-headed man, who was white,  followed Mr Egwuatu and after pulling open the passenger door pointed the gun at him.  Egwuatu put the keys in the ignition and turned the engine on.  The attacker then fired the gas-powered ball-bearing pistol three times, hitting the civil servant in the face, hand and shoulder.

Fearing for his life and bleeding heavily, Mr Egwuatu raced away in his car and found somewhere safe to call for help. He was taken to hospital and later sent to have a piece of metal removed from his jaw.

The Met said it was investigating the incident, which took place in South Norwood, and that police searched a nearby house which the attacker was seen going into. No one has been arrested.

Gas powered ball bearing pistol?  You mean a BB gun?  Sheesh.  It couldn’t cause massive bleeding and could barely pierce the skin.  And look at the picture.  See the wound on his hand?  Its impossible to inflict a wound on that spot of his hand by a shooter from the passenger side of a car (drivers side in US).  It is obvious that Egwuatu shot himself with a BB-Gun and tried to blame it on a mysterious skinhead with a vicious dog.

We don’t have hate crimes like this in the US.  We have lots of faked hate crimes though.  And if you believe Egwuatu’s fantastic story, he also wants to get you to help him smuggle 50 Million US Dollars from the corrupt Nigerian government.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Nigerian Shoots Self With BB-Gun; Blames Racist Bald Dog Walker

  • My first question is why is someone in London promoting Obama when it is our election and who would care enough over there to shoot him for a shirt for an American Presidential Candidate? I mean I know our countries are friendly and all, but I don’t think a skinhead in England would much care. Poor Bobbies having to deal with such bullshit.

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