Reason 352 to HomeSchool: Obama Won’t Make Fat Black Kids Step and Fetch
A teacher was suspended for making fat black students sing the praises of Obama in paramilitary garb. What this has to do with reading and writing and ‘rithmatics, I have no idea. Maybe the teacher was trying to recreate a black militant movement, ala the Black Panthers. I would say the teacher FAILED. Looks more like the Black Cookie Doughboys to me. Video is below, click to marvel at how liberals imagine what the military should do instead of kill terrorists.
From FoxNews here:
A middle school teacher in Missouri was suspended Monday for putting a video on YouTube of his students chanting lines from Barack Obama speeches and wearing military fatigues.
The school learned the video called “Obama Youth — Junior Fraternity Regiment,” was on the Internet and took action against the teacher Monday morning.
Joyce McGautha, superintendent of the Urban Community Leadership Academy, would not disclose the teacher’s name. “At this time because of the legal action that we’ll probably have to take against the teacher, I’m not going to give his name,” McGautha said.
Coward won’t disclose the teacher’s name who used tax payer money to indoctrinate children. I really doubt anything will happen to the teacher other than being rewarded with a free paid vacation. In a leftist society, you reward spreading propaganda, not punish it. And this school is clearly racist because they forbid white kids to attend and its mission statement is to “celebrate its own ethnic culture.” Thanks to Moonbattery for the link.