
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Ration Meat in the Land of Plenty

Meet Vegan and Totalitarian, Tara Garnett. She’s the head of the Food Climate Research Network in the UK, and says that if people won’t voluntarily change their ways and be more like her and her vegan friends, they must be forced by the Government to eat less meat, do away with chocolate and beer and walk everywhere they go.

So is it the homeliness and unibrows on women that make them angry vegans, or do angry vegans just stop using makeup and stop combing their hair?  That’s a chicken and the egg question.  From the Guardian here:

People will have to be rationed to four modest portions of meat and one litre of milk a week if the world is to avoid run-away climate change, a major new report warns.

The report, by Tara Garnett and the Food Climate Research Network, based at the University of Surrey, also says total food consumption should be reduced, especially “low nutritional value” treats such as alcohol, sweets and chocolates.

It urges people to return to habits their mothers or grandmothers would have been familiar with: buying locally in-season products, cooking in bulk and in pots with lids or pressure cookers, avoiding waste and walking to the shops.

Tara Garnett, the report’s author, warned that campaigns encouraging people to change their habits voluntarily were doomed to fail and urged the government to use caps on greenhouse gas emissions and carbon pricing to ensure changes were made.

This bitch is crazy.  My infant drinks a half gallon of milk per day at least.  And Tara’s mother and grandmother would turn her over their knees for saying such stupid tyrannic claptrap.  Our forebearers worked very hard and gave their lives so their offspring would have an easier life than they had.  Now twats like Tara want us to go back to a time of slave labor, starvation and plagues.

And she rightly notes that governments will fail by pushing voluntary campaigns to limit meat, electricity and other modern conveniences, which is why she says people must be forced to live her lifestyle.  The problem with that is politicians will get voted out that try to push such harsh policies.  No problem to Tara and her ilk, however.  Just do away with democracy and live the glorious lifestyle of Cambodians under the Khmer Rouge.  Moonbattery has more.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

4 thoughts on “Ration Meat in the Land of Plenty

  • Gregory

    As long as were going backwards, perhaps were should take away her right to vote and have a job outside the home. She will need that time to get in the kitchen and do all that cooking. Imagine the energy we would save if women are not allowed to drive. Then she could shut her mouth and iron my shirt.

  • Gregory, those are some excellent points. And she should have to iron the shirt the old fashioned way, by heating an iron over a cooking fire.

  • If God wanted us to be Vegans why did he wrap all the animals in meat?

  • Mmmm… Animals wrapped in meat… Mmmmm….

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