
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Caylee Anthony’s Body Sure Did Stink

Pew! That smell in Casey Anthony’s Car? DB. Decomp.

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From WESH here:

Much-anticipated results from the University of Tennessee Body Farm reveal that the smell in the trunk of Casey Anthony’s car, mother of missing 3-year-old Caylee, is human decomposition, a law enforcement source said Wednesday.

Air sample tests taken from Anthony’s trunk were sent on Aug. 10 by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office to be analyzed at the University of Tennessee Forensic Anthropology Facility, known as the “Body Farm.” According to two sources, including one with direct knowledge of the investigation, initial tests on that foul odor in Casey Anthony’s car have come back positive for human decomposition. The finding is the first scientific signal that a dead body was in Casey Anthony’s car.

Remember how everyone got the “Rachel” haircut back in the 90’s because of Jennifer Anniston’s hairdo on Friends? Casey Anthony has been on TV enough now to inspire her own haircut, the “Casey.” But you can only get one at the HairCuttery if you bring a 3 year old girl with you.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

20 thoughts on “Caylee Anthony’s Body Sure Did Stink

  • 🙁 That’s sad. I know it was pointless, but I was holding out hope.

  • The world loses a precious little girl.

    And, her hot, party girl mom is taken out of circulation. Dang, I would have liked to have hit that.

  • moosethis

    Wouldn’t adoption make more sence and be MUCH easier?? What a loser mom!

  • krotalus666

    I wonder if they’ll let me have a conjugal visit with her cause damn, she’s hot!

  • Mzz Courtney

    thats so sick that bitch needs to get beat up and its crazy and im so sorry for caylee nobody knows what she went though.. krotalus666 is a nasty bastard why do u wanna be with a killer

  • If she would of aborted the little bitch this wouldn’t be an issue. If she deserves jail, all who aborted children deserve jail. If it’s a choice than it was also a choice for her! Let her go free and tell her next time to pay a doctor to abort the child and we will all stand behind her and her “CHOICE” God bless America and Obama where we can kill the little Bitches before they become a problem to our life styles.

  • Dar, you truly are an idiot. You’re mother should have aborted you.

  • Dogstar23

    Dar, should we also then put everyone who ever used a condom in jail for all of the potential babies they destroyed? Think about it. Millions and millions of consecutive sentences for each “use”.

    Also keep in mind, it is the Supreme Court of the United States of America who upheld the right to choose, not PRESIDENT Obama. Please keep your taking of the Lord’s name in vain and your disparaging of our country to your Anti-Christian, Anti-Constitution, Terrorist Self.

  • Dogstar23,
    You answered a question I always had? Most Pro choicers must think that sperm in a rubber is the same as a 9 month old baby in the womb. I always thought of it as cutting body parts off or sucking the brain out of a 9 month old fetus. It always seemed to me as the same thing as cutting up a 17 or less year old child. Don’t get me wrong I think that is a great thing. I just don’t get where you judge me when you seem to be (pro death) SO AM I! let’s be big boys and call it what it is!
    Now on to the Obama thing. He thinks like I do and supports the ones that murder unborn children. I salute him for that. That is why he got my vote. I can’t wait till the day when we start killing anyone over 70! They are a drain on society! I will be the first to volunteer! (in 5 yrs when I hit 70) Obama is just as Hitler, because Hitler did not personally kill people in the gas chambers but his support is known. So anyone that supported Hitler is as guilty as he is. Come on, quit being a wimp. Stand up for what you believe. Don’t act like you care about children then on the other hand you support a Doctor’s right to rip them out of the womb! Be like me and tell America this is a Great thing and there is nothing you can do about it.
    Next subject. I did use the Lords name in Vain. I should of said Satan Bless America because he is the ruler of this land and I thank Him for that! Just a few more generations and Satan will be the King he was meant to be. Then you and I will enjoy this world so much more.
    Thank you and everyone else for standing with me and helping this to come to past. Just be a Big Boy and stand up for what you believe and vote for! This world has enough wimps!

  • Dar, once again misinformed; it’s the pro-lifer’s who believe thatsperm in a rubber is the same as a baby. Surely, you’re not ignorant. Then again, the best part of you probably ran down the.crack of your momma’s ass when you were born.

  • Mae,
    No you are the one misinformed, most pro-lifers think that it takes sperm and an egg to start life. I think Dogstar23 is the only human that thinks sperm and rubber starts life.
    I take it that you must think that life doesn’t begin until the baby is 100% out of the womb? Then we agree that we should slice and dice those little problems away as far as 99% out of the womb. Now we are back at my point that people think different and then maybe Casey doesn’t believe life starts till 18yrs of age and she has the right to end the child’s life. It’s just a shame that it’s against the law (at this point) Hey a few more generations and this dream might come to pass. Look at how many things America is doing that we wouldn’t thought possible a generation ago! We are making progress.

  • Not out of the womb, no. I”m not a supporter of abortions after 18 weeks. Look- a friend of mine’s child was born at 3 months premature,and is now a healthy 7 year old. My child was one more premature and is a healthy 8 year old. But what is the difference between a 10 week (for example) old feturs and a mosquito? Not much, I believe until something is self sustaining, it’s not relevant. Another friend of mine went into labor at 15 week and her fetus, NOT baby, lived for an didn’t look like a child, nor was it self sustaining.

    I’m neither pro-life or pro-choice. I’m pro-keep other people out of my bedroom. I think casey anthony is another selfish, spoiled and deluded drug addict who should have never been a parent in the first place, nor do I believe in the system allowing woman after woman to bring children into this world when they are both poorly prepared (finanically) and unfit.

    I gave my daught up for adoption at birth, not because I didn’t want her but because I couldn’t financially support her nor could I handle raising her because of health issues I was dealing with. I’ve also had two abortions, also.
    My point is, more people need to take child-bearing more seriously.

    In summation, you can call me Pro-do the right thing.

    *My apologies for carrying on a bit too long.

  • *my aplogies for thw typos too! Blackberries weren’t made for lengthy entries written in the dark, immediately upon waking up. 😀

  • Dear Mae. Have you ever thought about using a condom or some sort of birth control? Even better have you ever thought about keeping your legs closed once in a while? Great philosophy though, enjoy sex with whoever and if you happen to create a life then just abort it. I am curious, how did you choose which child got to live, and which two had to die? Also I can see how raising a child might hurt financially, you might even have to give up your blackberry or internet or something. Heaven forbid. How can you rebuke someone for taking the lords name in in vain, when you are murdering his children? You sicken me, and I hope one day you ask for the lord’s forgiveness.

  • Two things:

    1) I most certainly was not the person rebuking anyone for saying God in vain, as I am Agnostic and believe in Science and not fiction. Nor, do I judge anyone for believing in what they choose, so don’t give me shit, because we’re all entitled to our own beliefs. You should re-read the comments, dumb ass.

    Secondly, I was on Orthro-Tricyclin (the pill) both aborted pregnancies and it was the same man, annnnd I was an adult. He “was not ready to be a daddy.” The child that I carried full term was a product of rape and I didn’t know I was pregnant until I was over 20 weeks pregnant. Not that I have to explain myself to an ignorant, (most likely) religious zealot such as yourself.

  • lil_boricua_253

    First off I have to say that Dar has got to be one of the most ignorant individuals who I have ever heard speak in my entire life but then again he is probably just spouting off at the mouth to get a rise out of those who are actually willing to give him the time of day. Since you are fascinated by death Dar, how about u just do society all a favor and kill urself so u can hurry up and be closer to ur rightful ruler, mmmm kay?

    One thing that he did say that i do agree with though is that killing a child in the womb is no better or worse than murdering someone who is at their full potential outside of a womb.

    To the women who has had all of those abortions, I would think that as a women who was bearing these children that you would know and understand more than anyone else that a child is very much alive even when it is sitting in your womb as a tadpole. While I do believe that there are very few but some just reasons as to why an abortion should be considered, having a baby daddy who is not ready is not one of them. You would not deem it fair for someone else to make the decision as to whether you should live or die regardless of the circumstances so i think more people need to put themselves in the shoes of those who are not granted the right to make that decision for themselves. You can look on youtube and find videos of just exactly how inhumane abortions are and Dar basically in his own sick ways describes it to a Tee. It is basic common sense, be abstinant or if you are a freak like me that can’t live without sex, use birth control and if that fails, bless ur child with the oppurtunity to live even if it is not with you by giving it up for adoption.

    There are so many family’s out there that are stable and have been trying to have children for years that just can’t and allowing them to have the one you aren’t ready for creates a win win situation both for the child and for the family that wants one. Or for the mother like me who lost her only child to murder and is not able to conceive another one.

    I am not judging anyone and i think this whole story with Caylee Anthony is so sad because there were so many other options for the mother to consider, i just wish people would look at the big picture and think once in a while before acting out on their selfish ways.

  • lil_boricua_253,

    Welcome to the blog, and keep checking back for fresh content! Great points!

  • you make me sick casey anthony. hope you rot in hell with bin laden. you arent any better than he is. you deserve the death penalty because you deserve the punishment you gave your daughter. DEATH. how can you harm any baby let alone your own? you and your lawyer can blame your partying and bad choices after your daughter went missing on your horrible childhood, but your not the only one thats had a bad childhood, millions of people did, and you dont see them killing their babies. the only thing you cared about before your daughter went missing and after, was partying… you never loved your baby, you sick bitch.

  • Dar:

    If she would of aborted the little bitch this wouldn’t be an issue. If she deserves jail, all who aborted children deserve jail. If it’s a choice than it was also a choice for her! Let her go free and tell her next time to pay a doctor to abort the child and we will all stand behind her and her “CHOICE” God bless America and Obama where we can kill the little Bitches before they become a problem to our life styles.

    You are one sick son of a bitch.

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