
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Move Over Kitties

The Missus and I are having difficulties keeping the toddler out of the kitty condo. He loves to climb up in there and just hang out and watch Elmo and play king of the hill with the kitties. I just know the nylon and plastic construction won’t last long now Cartney is using it as a tree fort, so I thought I’d snap a shot of it for posterity.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “Move Over Kitties

  • Let him be one with the kitties. 😀

  • hello i was wondering if there is a website on how to build that kind of cat condo. we just got one for our cats at a thrift store an dont know how to build it. its almost like urs but smaller thanks if u can help

  • Hi naomi,
    we got ours from Target and it quickly went off the market. Ours lasted about two years before our fat cat and our rambunctious toddler tore it up. for 50 bucks it was a great deal. Frankly we wish they were still on the market. I would have replaced it happily with a newer one. Sorry, we didn’t save the instructions.

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