
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeCyberYou're Fired!

Swallowing the Key

I have a new post up at [GAS] talking about the networking skills of Terry Childs, the chief systems administrator for the whole city of San Francisco. For some reason, as yet undisclosed, Terry changed all the passwords of other admins, then changed his own, resulting in a total network-wide lockout for admins.

The ultimate final solution for the BOFH
Lockout: The ultimate solution for the BOFH

This landed Childs in jail with a bail set at 5 Million bucks, and the city of San Francisco is currently running on Auto Pilot while other security folk try to figure out how to crack his passwords.

Wouldn’t it be funny if he did it as a political protest to San Francisco’s policies? Check Geeks Are Sexy for the whole story and links.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

4 thoughts on “Swallowing the Key

  • Holy shit, that’s ballsy-awesome!


  • Ps-in-case-my-future-employers-read-this-comment: I would NEVER do this. Never, ever. Abuse of power is not part of my moral compass. 😀

  • Poppy, if anyone is crazy enough to grant you absolute power, they get what they deserve! 😉

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