
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionStupid People

Lack of Global Warming Decimating Pot Crops in British Columbia

Heh. All those hippies that believe in Global Warming will now be paying through the nose for a bag of weed. Record low temperatures and rain are killing the outdoor BC pot crops. The question is now, will reduced marijuana smoking lead to yet more lowered carbon emissions, which leads to more and more cold weather, which leads to more and more dead pot plants?! All potheads panic now!

From CBC here:

Wet weather across British Columbia is threatening profit margins for producers of one of the province’s largest โ€” although illegal โ€” cash crops โ€” outdoor marijuana.

B.C. has endured weeks of unseasonable drizzle and grey skies this spring with temperatures touching record lows in the months of May and June, and growers are worried about mildew killing the seedlings.

That could mean better profits for those who grow marijuana indoors, away from Mother Nature’s unseasonable conditions.

The economic value of B.C.’s illegal marijuana industry is difficult to determine, but over the years experts have estimated it exceeds a billion dollars a year.

The billion dollar per year estimate is a BS statistic generated by the legalization lobby and is not to be believed. Dying pot crops serves them right since I am certain it was stupid stoners who thunk up the whole global warming myth in the first place.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Lack of Global Warming Decimating Pot Crops in British Columbia

  • On the bright side of higher pot prices, morbid obesity should decline sharply as fewer Ding Dongs and Fritos will be consumed.

  • barcodenation42

    lmao! this is true…but really are fritos so bad? lol

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