Quitting My Job
I’m leaving the comfort of a really secure position at my current job for the challenges of a new position with a major Information Security Firm. I start the new gig in a week.
I will miss the old client. They were the finest people I have ever had the pleasure to work with, and they had one of the most secure networks I have seen. From policies, procedures and layers of protection, they did everything right. The new company has apparently been doing lots of things the wrong way, which is why they wanted me aboard.
I had a great boss and there were great members on my team. But I will not miss all of my coworkers. Especially “Sick Girl.” Sick Girl was always out sick, which is how she earned her monicker. She constantly had a runny nose, would cough loudly into the phone when speaking to a customer, and would sneeze without covering her mouth. I once saw her cough up some sputum and then spit it out into her waste basket. Classy! She always complained about how bad she was feeling, and she had a brood of children at home or in daycare that were equally riddled with diseases. She always showed up late and left early. I used to tell her she should get her T-Cell count checked.
Welcome aboard
Heh. Just keep your diseased employees quarantined and I’ll be just fine.