
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Stupid PeopleWhy Homeschool?

Reason 1023 to Homeschool: No Suspension for Skittles Smuggling

Mike Sheridan, an 8th grader, bought a bag of skittles from his pal. Next thing he knew, he was suspended from school for three days, barred from attending a dinner for honor students, and forced to resign as class Vice President. No, the skittles weren’t laced with PCP. But the school administrators who decided to overreact to the possession of a snack may have been smoking some.

After a national uproar, the school restored his student record and allowed him to resume his post as class VP. The school had to admit that they were stupid when they made up the dumb rule in the first place.

From CNN here:

Michael Sheridan, an eighth-grade honors student who was suspended for a day, barred from attending an honors dinner and stripped of his title as class vice president after he was caught with a bag of Skittles candy in school will get his student council post back, school officials said.

Superintendent Reginald Mayo said in a statement late Wednesday that he and principal Eleanor Turner met with student Michael’s parents and that Turner decided to clear the boy’s record and restore him to his student council post.

Michael was disciplined after he was caught buying a bag of Skittles from a classmate. The classmate’s suspension also will be expunged, school officials said.

The New Haven school system banned candy sales in 2003 as part of a districtwide school wellness policy.

I hope the family sues the balls off of the school system for humiliating their son. And since when is it the school’s job to be the candy police? Since when is it their job to play doctor with kids? Another excuse they tried to use was that selling candy made kids carry money, which made them targets for muggers. Riiiight.

This is just one more case where educators are too stupid to make the simplest of decisions. People that dumb should not be allowed to supervise your children.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Reason 1023 to Homeschool: No Suspension for Skittles Smuggling

  • Kids carry money? Who knew.

  • JimslimNZ

    A bit of Mid-Diet jealousy perhaps?

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