
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


FAIL, Thy Name is UN

The United Nations takes in billions from fees and donations and they are supposed to help solve global issues. But they fail time and time again. This time they want to solve world hunger by forcing everyone to eat bugs and worms.

This is the type of food the UN thinks we should eat.

From Fox News here:

Crickets, caterpillars and grubs are high in protein and minerals and could be an important food source during droughts and other emergencies, according to scientists.

Three dozen scientists from 15 countries gathered in this northern Thailand city, home to several dozen restaurants serving insects and other bugs. Some of their proposals were more down to earth than others.

A Japanese scientist proposed bug farms on spacecraft to feed astronauts, noting that it would be more practical than raising cows or pigs.

The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization estimates 1,400 species of insects and worms are eaten in almost 90 countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Researchers at the conference detailed how crickets and silk worms are eaten in Thailand, grubs and grasshoppers in Africa and ants in South America.

You know why they eat bugs? Because they are too freakin’ poor to buy a cheeseburger! Funny they don’t list any wealthy countries where people eat bugs, huh? The UN thinks that normal people are “biased” and won’t eat the disgusting critters and they whine and say:

The challenge, experts said, is organizing unregulated, small bug food operations in many countries so they can supplement the food that aid agencies provide. The infrastructure to raise, transport and market bugs is almost nonexistent in most countries.

Ya think?? Maybe I can apply to the UN to see if they will finance my RolyPoly ranch I keep under the plywood in my backyard.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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