Michelle Obama Tripped Stevie Wonder
At a campaign stop last night, Michelle Obama tripped Stevie Wonder as he was trying to climb up the stairs to speak in support of Barack Obama.
You always know when its election time because Democrats trot out disabled celebrities like Stevie Wonder and the terminally fat Oprah Winfrey. If only Michelle would have pushed Oprah downstairs too.
Remember in 2004 when Edwards and Kerry said that they would make Christopher Reeves walk if they won by using magical embryonic stem cells? Whatever happened to the stem cell debate? Oh yeah, embryonic stem cells don’t do anything. Now democrats are campaigning on the “magic dust of change.”
just loved it and very factural
is michelle really fat or is she just skinny under all the clothes she wears
is michelle mean or is she just acting mean to get attention
you guys should all relax men, i’m sure the incident did not happen as you say, sexy chicks like michelle do not do such things!!!!