
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Global Warming Makes it Snow in Baghdad

This is cool on several levels. First, cold weather like this chips away at the Global Warming hoax. Second, it makes the heads of young eco-religious zealots ache by forcing them to concoct some stupid scientific excuse why the cold weather was actually caused by Global Warming. And finally, it gave a great excuse for everyone in the city to go outside and rejoice at seeing something truly unique in their lifetimes.

An Iraqi couple enjoys a snow battle in a garden in Sulaimaniyah in 2007. Light snow fell in Baghdad in what weather officials said was the first time in about a 100 years.

From the AP here:

For the first time in memory, snow fell across Baghdad.

Although the white flakes quickly dissolved into gray puddles, they brought an emotion rarely expressed in this desert capital snarled by army checkpoints, divided by concrete walls and ravaged by sectarian killings — delight.

For a couple of hours anyway, a city where mortar shells routinely zoom across to the Green Zone became united as one big White Zone. As of late afternoon, there were no reports of violence. The snow showed no favoritism as it fell faintly on neighborhoods Shiite and Sunni alike.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

5 thoughts on “Global Warming Makes it Snow in Baghdad

  • Wait, it’s not the American infestation that caused it to snow in Baghdad?

  • American infestation??

    I wouldn’t call it an infestation, but the Iraqis are hailing the snow as a symbol of Peace.

    Iraqis welcomed snow as an omen of peace. “It’s the first time we’ve seen snow in Baghdad,” said 60-year-old Hassan Zahar. “I looked at the faces of all the people, they were astonished.”

    So yeah, Americans brought peace to the region and it started snowing at the time of Friday prayers.

  • My mind couldn’t think of the right word when I wrote that comment. 🙂

  • Getting in before the eco-zealots.

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