
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Is This the Pit of Carkoon?

Or is this something… sinister?

Its Huang Chuncai, aka Jabbaboy, crying at the thought of having another operation on his massive noggin.

Either that, or his fear of skinny chicks wielding chains in gold lame bikinis has frightened him again.

Here is Jabbaboy at the hospital.

You can see him pointing below his bed where he keeps his loathsome Rancor Beast.

Next is a picture of Jabbaboy practicing staving off Jedi Mind Tricks.

You will note that his neck and chin is slightly smaller than George Lucas‘.

Jabbaboy enjoys one final meal before his surgery.

Mmm. Deep Fried Paddy Frogs.

Reuters says:

Huang Chuncai is having his second operation to remove his tumours, which currently weigh around 10kg (22lbs), at a hospital in Guangzhou, southern China’s Guangdong province, January 5, 2008. Huang, a 32-year-old native from a remote village in China’s southern province of Hunan, says he is relieved after a part of his facial tumours, which originally weighed about 23kg (50.7 lbs), was removed last year. His second operation will remove another part of the tumours, which weighs 4.5kg (9.9lbs). Huang suffers from Neurofibromatosis, which is a genetic disorder of the nervous system that primarily affects the development and growth of nerve tissues.

Update!ย  Nancy Zhang, a snivelling paralegal snob in Los Angeles cries whenever anyone compares humans to Jabba the Hutt.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

10 thoughts on “Is This the Pit of Carkoon?

  • All I have to say to this is that humans are fascinating. And I’m always scared to find out what you’re posting about when you show us photo snippets. ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Ah, the “Click-Dread!” Good, that’s what I was going for. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I have the same thing for my homepage. It features the most emailed photos. Usually its cute kitties or fluffy pandas. Or really twisted dubya-tee-effers.

  • From Nancy Zhang (

    Good Morning:

    I am doing a little research this morning in order to find out the mailing address of this unfortunate man. This story struck such a chord with my co-workers and I, that we are sending a care package and a donation to possibly help with medical costs. I’m not saying that every decent individual on the planet should do something like this for everyone in need, but then there’s people like you.
    I’ve stumbled on your site while looking for Mr. Chuncai’s address. Do you think this is funny? Although it is hard for me to fathom being amused by this, I imagine you or your demographic must be so incredibly depraved and/or uneducated to attempt to seek humor in someone else’s extreme suffering which was brought on by no fault of their own. And “deep fried paddy-frogs?”
    I happen to be Chinese-American. I and 22 years old, just graduated from a university which is ranked within the top 20 of the nation, am currently working as a paralegal at a top law firm in LA, and am on my way to becoming an attorney in three short years. I speak three languages, am classically trained on violin and bass guitar, and still find time to be a normal, fun-loving human being on the weekends. Thank you, so much, for reducing myself, all my accomplishments, and everybody else of my race to a stereotype.
    In case I have to explain further what you have done here (because I think someone of your low morale and base-level thinking might still not understand), you have robbed a man of his humanity , and topped it off with a racial jab. All with just one post, you’ve demonstrated that you have no class and are basically, an idiot.
    I don’t feel a need to further waste time on such a disgusting individual as yourself, so no response is necessary. Good luck trudging through life with your particular outlook; I really mean that.


  • Wow Nancy.

    You sure like to brag about your accomplishments! And at the age of 22 to be so much smarter than everyone else is quite an achievement; I’m sure your family is very proud of you.

    Now that I have your unsolicited resume, please allow me to retort.

    There was nothing racist about this post. Maybe you should read it again and look for the references to Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars, who this unfortunate fellow had the sad happenstance to greatly resemble. The reference to paddy frogs is also a reference to Star Wars, and was the favorite food of the Hutts. So don’t get your panties in a Chinese twist at me. Complain to George Lucas.

    And as for your vaunted intelligence, you need to work on it more or get your money back for your degree. Huang doesn’t need donations for his surgery since he is a proud commie living in Red China. They have universal health care there. Just like Hillary wants to implement. Notice how his face got all swollen in the communist land of free medicine and then think that the same thing will likely happen here in America if Hillary had her way.

    I didn’t rob anyone of their humanity you elitist stooge. If anyone robbed him of his humanity it was the communist government of China who failed to treat his disease and allowed him to become a grotesque mutated blob.

    Next time you decide to shoot your mouth off, try to understand the topic of discussion.

  • I’m with Nancy on this (or is Pat,that you just aren’t funny?) Huang didn’t have the operation at the age he should because his family are impoverished and live in a remote village, they couldn’t afford the travel/expenses involved. You are a fervently argumentative individual aren’t you? Though your retort entirely misses the point, The politics of china bare no credence to Nancy’s complaint; which is that laughing at someone simply so tragic just aint on. One of Huang’s main regrets is that he is unable to work to support his family. In China it is custom that the eldest son should care for the parents in old age and that that as retired farmers they have lost much income from the care Huang has required. Basically they live in extreme poverty and so donations would be well used I’m sure. Next time you wan’t to shoot your mouth off, do us a favour. Don’t.

  • niki,

    In China they have universal healthcare. And they only have one child per family, so the working to support the parents thing is a dumb argument.

    The fact he is a disfigured freak is precisely due to the fact he lives in a commie nation. Save your pity and your donations.

  • You are a scum bag for writing what you wrote. I don’t care what you say, this is insulting to anyone who cares about people.

    Grow up.

    “Its Huang Chuncai, aka Jabbaboy, crying at the thought of having another operation on his massive noggin.”


    Americans are so pathetic.

  • Pat:

    In China they have universal healthcare. And they only have one child per family, so the working to support the parents thing is a dumb argument.
    The fact he is a disfigured freak is precisely due to the fact he lives in a commie nation. Save your pity and your donations.

    WOW, you should die in a fire for saying that.

  • I happen to know that Jabbaboy eats live kittens. And why do you call your own people pathetic? Don’t you live in Dryden New York and dress like a girl? Maybe you can give Jabbaboy some makeup tips- share some of that eyeliner and maybe teach him how to hook up with guys. LOL And your music and art is pretty pathetic.

  • Pingback: BelchSpeak | Jabbaboy Getting More Operations On His Massive Tumorous Head

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