
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionStupid PeopleVirginia

Pat Robertson Is Prophet of Doom

Pat Robertson now forecasts the doom of mankind yearly on his 700 Club TV show in a New Year’s Holy Prognostication. Last year he predicted that a massive terrorist attack, involving nuclear weapons, would strike the United States. Who knew he was only seeing the next season of 24? Two years ago he said a tsunami would strike the US. This year? We get worldwide violence and recession, yippee!

From FoxNews here:

Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson predicted Wednesday that 2008 will be a year of violence worldwide and a recession in the United States, followed by a major stock-market crash by 2010.

Last year, Robertson predicted that a terrorist act, possibly involving a nuclear weapon, would result in mass killing in the United States. Noting that it hadn’t come to pass, Robertson said, “All I can think is that somehow the people of God prayed and God in his mercy spared us.”

The 700 club comes on TV at my house right after America’s Funniest Home Videos on ABCFamily. I know this because every time the show goes off the air, my wife plunges toward the TV remote control with a snarl so she won’t have to look at Pat Robertson.

But I have watched the 700 Club a few times. My favorite part of the show is when Pat Robertson prays and names specific illnesses his viewers have out there in TVLand, and he heals those illnesses. It is quite like ol’ Miss Sherri on Romper Room, with her magic mirror, saying, “Romper bomper stomper boo, tell me, tell me, tell me do, magic mirror tell me today, have all my diseases been cured today?”

Anyone old enough to remember watching Romper Room?

But you know, people believe this doom and gloom stuff. And they believe the VA Beach preacher can also leg press a ton. Silly right? Wrong.

Its no sillier than a goober from Tennessee who predicts doom and gloom in the form of floods, hurricanes, drought, famine and war based over global warming. Loads of people still believe Al Gore too.

Last year the terrorist nuke strike didn’t happen. And yesterday it snowed in Mexico City. And Daytona Beach, Florida. And record-setting snow in New Hampshire. And record snowfalls across the New England and the Canadian East.

So if you think Pat Robertson is nutso, like I do, then you must also believe the same thing about Al Gore. But if you believe Al Gore is right, then you ought to tune into the 700 club. Maybe ol’ Rev. Pat can cure what ails you.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

4 thoughts on “Pat Robertson Is Prophet of Doom

  • Are you saying that unprecedented extremes of weather are evidence against climate change? Or are you simply assuming that “global warming” means the entire globe is getting warmer everywhere, and that the phenomenon is disproved by the fact that it is cold anywhere?

    The theory of climate change holds that an overall average increase in atmospheric temperatures is beginning to, and will continue to, produce disruptions of weather patterns worldwide, resulting in extreme excursions beyond normal conditions, both hot and cold, in specific local weather patterns. This will harm, and in many places destroy, the biosphere that has adapted to the local conditions prevailing prior to that disruption, among other bad things.

    The fact that weather is getting worse than ever before in history in many places around the globe is consistent with this theory. The fact that it snowed in Florida, record-setting snowfall in New Hampshire is not inconsistent with the claim that the average temperature across the globe is rising. It is precisely what happens when global temperatures RISE.

    Snow was previously moisture in the air. More snow means there was more moisture in the air. More moisture in the air means more evaporation. More evaporation means that the winds were stronger or the water & air temperatures were warmer, etc, etc.

    And yeah, Pat Robertson is a certified nutjob.

  • Mark,
    Yes, I am saying that unprecedented extremes of COLD weather are evidence against global warming.

    Global warming zealots are so quick to excuse any evidence to the contrary because they believe religiously that the earth is warming and its all man’s fault.

    Its getting colder, it must be global warming!!11
    People are dying in snowdrifts, it must be global warming!!
    There was no cheese on my burger, it must be global warming!!

  • You got chocolate in my peanut butter, it must be global warming.

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