
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Winter Windows by SeaWolf

Ever since I heard this on the radio, I loved the music. I had no idea who the artist was, nor the name of the song and Google wasn’t much of a help since you can’t submit “humming” as a search criteria.

Luckily the radio station I heard it on, 94.7 TheGlobe has an impeccable songlist log at their website and I was able to figure out who it was. The video rocks too!

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

5 thoughts on “Winter Windows by SeaWolf

  • I’m not even finished listening and I am in love with this song. Must buy it. NOW.

  • Just bought the whole Leaves in the River album. WOOT. 😀

  • 😀
    Let me know if you like the whole album. I listened to some of the other songs on Myspace and a couple of them sounded a little mopey.

    But I love this song, especially the accordion sound and the timpani. Odd yet beautiful combination especially for a rock/pop song.

  • I love Leaves In the River because it reminds me of a cross between Rogue Wave, the opening band on Feist’s tour, and tamer Modest Mouse. And it sounds like there are leaves in a river being rained on, which is a beautiful sound.

    I love Winter Windows for perhaps the same reasons as you. And, for some reason, it twinges a bit of Godfather for me at the start, but then it quickly fades into the sunset, thankfully. I dig this guy’s voice so much.

    Black Dirt guitar solo reminds me of The Doors.

    Can take or leave The Rose Captain. [next]

    Ohhhh, love Middle Distance Runner, precisely because it reminds me of Modest Mouse songs. Ohhhh, love love love love. Here I go with my swirly head for music.

    You’re a Wolf starts out sounding just like Rogue Wave. Creeeeeepy how this band oscillates between the two sounds for me. Yup, love this song too. I’m actually moving to the beat of this song.

    Song for the Dead starts out electronica and made me think Beastie Boys for the first few bars. 🙂 But then it switches to a salty sea song. Or something. Kinda wanna [next] it.

    Black Leaf Falls is a Modest Mouse-y song, and it’s pretty good. I think I’m really going to enjoy this song when I listen to it a few more times, but the first time through I am reluctant to enjoy it for some reason. Perhaps because I know he’s talking to one person about going to Black Leaf Falls with her, so I’m invading their privacy.

    The cold, the Dark & the Silence is … hmm, a bit too poppy (as in pop rock) for me. 😉 An alternative artist’s album should only have pop music on it by mistake… ya know?

    Neutral Ground starts out creepy. And it’s staying that way. Hmmm. Unlistenable for me.

    The Promise (bonus track) is really good. I love the way it (… crap, I know there’s a word for this, the way it reverberates in the start) and then it has a Dylan kinda sound.

    Another rendition of Black Leaf Falls finishes off the album. Same criticism.

    Overall a very decent album, especially for a random find from your radio listening. 🙂

    My recaps of the songs are completely unhelpful if you don’t know Rogue Wave *and* Modest Mouse. Try them both out if you don’t know them.

  • Yes, it does indeed sound like Modest Mouse. Not familiar with rogue wave, but the big drum sound at times reminded me of Gogol Bordello. They are like Modest Mouse but loud and gregarious. Its so random that I locked onto that Winter Windows song. It was the second time I heard it on the radio and it was awesome.

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