
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Scattering Ashes At Disney

This doesn’t surprise me at all. My wife’s all time favorite ride at Disney is the Haunted Mansion, and I don’t think she would mind having her ashes scattered there- except for the ick factor for the other patrons.

From Local 6 here, via Drudge:

Disneyland workers were recently forced to close the “Pirates of the Caribbean” attraction after a ride security camera caught a woman apparently dumping human remains, in what may be a growing trend.

Workers at the Anaheim theme park spotted the woman sprinkling an unidentified substance into the water on the “Pirates” ride.

Some Disney watchers said park-goers tell them that people smuggling in the cremated remains of their loved ones and then sprinkling ashes on rides has been going on for a while.

They said it started at the Haunted Mansion, but now the “Pirates of the Caribbean” ride is growing in popularity.

If you hated a family member and were entrusted with their ashes, it would be downright evil to dump them on “Its a Small World.” That would be its own circle of hell.

And if you get in a car for one of the rides at Disney and its a little dusty, you know why.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

7 thoughts on “Scattering Ashes At Disney

  • Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride kicks ass when stoned…or so I’ve heard…I was in high school…leave me alone. 😛

  • Haunted Mansion is pretty fun.

    If someone dumps my ashes at Small World I am HAUNTING THEIR ASSES. 😀

  • mommasaysimspecial

    I want a Tibetan sky burial. My wife says “No f***in’ way.”

  • My wife plans on giving me a redneck viking funeral.

  • Tibetan sky burial? Redneck Viking funeral? What, praytell, do these rituals entail?

  • The redneck viking funeral is…my wife will set me adrift at Myrtle Beach on a Budweiser raft, douse me in Jack Daniels and light me on fired.

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