
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Swastikas at George Washington University Were Hoax

There is nothing like a faked hate crime to cause liberals to scream for hate crimes legislation and immediately accuse everyone of being a racist. Meet Sarah Marshak. She’s 18 years old, and she from Florida, enjoying her first two months as a freshman at the very prestigious George Washington University, where she works for the school paper as a reporter. She is likely there on a scholarship, having spent most of her privileged life attending exclusive private schools where she excelled as a writer and a film and theater critic. She is pictured below receiving her fourth Cappie Award as a critic.

Not satisfied with her privileged position in life and society, and not happy with the amount of attention she was receiving, she decided to fake a hate crime by drawing swastikas on her dorm room door. She notified campus police that she was the victim of a hate crime and even got the FBI involved to scour the campus looking for skinheads and neo-nazis. She proudly gave quotes to the student newspaper and playacted the victim quite well.

She was quoted here saying,

In an interview with The Hatchet Wednesday night, Marshak, who is Jewish, said she is still in shock about the drawing, although this was not the first time she said she has been affected by anti-Semitism.

“I’ve heard it (at GW), in Florida and on a trip to Poland, too,” Marshak said of her experiences with anti-Semitism.

Marshak added she does not believe the symbol was meant as a personal attack but as one waged on the Jewish community. She also likened the drawing to other forms of racism.

“It may just be a symbol to some, but not to those in the Jewish community,” Marshak said. “It holds incredible meaning to us. This would be like someone drawing a noose on the door of someone who was black.”

But she was busted on camera drawing even more swastikas on her door.

I hope its all terribly embarrassing to her and I really hope she gets expelled. I also hope she is charged with a crime for falsely reporting crimes to the police and the FBI too. If she wants to be an attention whore, she should get a job as a stripper or just make out with chicks at college parties like other attention whores do. Stirring up racial accusations for kicks is sick.

Here is her Livejournal page. Its no surprise to me that she is a moonbat liberal, and Hillary supporter. HotAir is also covering this.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

5 thoughts on “Swastikas at George Washington University Were Hoax

  • Has anyone heard anything about this on the news?
    If it was nooses in trees it would be trumpeted far and wide.

    The jews control the media, folks, it’s that simple.

  • Cyberspacekid

    Wasn’t Krammer a Jew? Why was that never mentioned in the mass media? Maybe because the Jews run the American media? Another conspiracy? Oh my. But don’t let that get in the way of your rush to Judge the White man again. Jews are up to their old tricks. Divide and conquer.

  • Michael Richards is not Jewish, cyberspacekid. And conspiracy theories and the jews are as hilarious as they are preposterous.

  • Leave it to the majority of the conservatives to use unfounded evidence in support of an even more outrageous claim. Thanks though, my nightly web surfing needed a good laugh.

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