
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Should I Start Smoking Again?

I have been smoke free for several years now.  But I still like to visit pubs where people smoke, and every now and then I see a movie, like Tarantino’s Death Proof, which shows scenes where someone takes a drag on a cigarette, and it makes it look so appealing I want to run out and buy a pack of Marlboro Reds. I still get the urge to pick up the habit again.

Now Congress is talking about expanding the SCHIP program, which is free medical services to poor children.  The Democrats want to expand the coverage to wealthier kids and to even some adults, and to pay for it, the nation will need 22 Million more smokers.  Should I do my part to help out?  It could save a life.  Check out this video, which demonstrates the point.

On second thought, screw the little bastards.  They should pay for their own healthcare by becoming smokers themselves.  In fact, I’m going to give out cigarettes to kids for Halloween.  The nation needs more smokers, so I will do my part to get them hooked.

Thanks to HotAir for the tip.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

6 thoughts on “Should I Start Smoking Again?

  • Do what I do and make your own. 🙂

  • Hey Trench, I used to grow my own 😛

    we all know that only the cool kids smoke cigarettes.

  • I never had the habit (have smoked several times singly, but never a daily thing) and I totally want to buy a pack of cigarettes and smoke, especially at bars/pubs. I’m not picking up the habit to get healthcare for kids, though. That’s just rtarded.

  • I was thinking I really should quit, but I’m not sure now.

  • Bazl,
    Quitting is certainly tough to do and with so many things going on in your life right now, you don’t need one more stressor. But if you are ready I suggest Zyban, which is what helped me quit.

    Poppy, I think it would be awesome to hang out with you in a bar to the point where you start smoking. What fun!

    And you Carolina boys, why does it not surprise me that you grow and roll your own?

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