
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


New York is Banning a Knot

Evidently a rope tied in a loop and wrapped several times into a slipknot is so offensive to black people that New York state is going to ban it.  You can’t draw a picture of it, and you can’t make one and show it to a black person “in a threatening manner.”  Even if its really tiny, made out of thread.  Its like garlic to a vampire, I guess. 

Jack Ketch’s Famous Knot Banned in NY

From the AP here:

ALBANY, N.Y. – Following a rash of cases involving nooses, the state Legislature Monday moved toward making it a felony to display the symbol of lynchings in the Old South in a threatening manner.
“We won’t tolerate this,” said Sen. Dean G. Skelos, a Long Island Republican who sponsored the measure that passed Monday in the Senate. “There is no place for racism and intimidation in America.”

The bill also covers etching, drawing or painting the symbol. He said that, as in the case of Nazi symbols and burning crosses, an intent to threaten or harass would be part of an anti-noose law.

Monday’s Senate vote came as New York City police said a black high school teacher in Brooklyn had been targeted with a letter containing racial slurs and a string tied into a noose.

Wow, so people are banning freedom of expression and free speech.  So what’s next?  Banning images of people picking cotton?  Banning the rebel flag?  How about banning Al Jolson images or pictures of anyone in blackface?  If that’s the case, Sarah Silverman may want to watch out when she goes to New York.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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