California Bans the Rubber Duckie
I really have to question whether or not Democrats believe in science at all. The Democrat-controlled government in California just banned all children’s toys, bottles, teething rings and other baby products that contain a common chemical compound to make plastic pliable and soft. Its called phthalate.
Democrats fight bath toys, not terrorists.
And because Democrats don’t understand any science (a product of the modern education system) and fear big words like phthalate, they rally and try to get it banned. The chemical is completely harmless.
From the AP here:
California has banned toys and baby products containing more than a trace amount of a chemical used to soften plastics that scientists have linked to health problems.
The ban on phthalate makes California the first state to impose severe limits on a chemical that is widely used in baby bottles, soft baby books, teething rings, plastic bath ducks and other toys, said Assemblywoman Fiona Ma, D-San Francisco, the bill’s author.
Oregon, Maryland and New York are also considering bills that would ban phthalates in certain products.
Phthalates have been banned by the European Union and at least 14 other countries after studies found that the chemical interferes with hormones and might lead to early puberty, reproduction defects and other health problems.
Although Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the phthalate ban, he said in a signing statement that he did not believe a “product by product” ban was the most effective way to craft state chemical policy.
I had never heard of this chemical before, but I instantly knew this was a case of junk science because only severely blue states are considering similar bans on it. And of course this bill originated from a San Francisco moonbat.
The line in the article that says that the chemical interferes with hormones is an outright lie. There has been a study done on rats that were injected with massive amounts of the chemical. The only side effect was early puberty. It doesn’t cause cancer either.
You can get the facts about the chemical at the federal government’s website here. And the FAQ is here.
The official Phthalate blog quips here:
“Compared to the actual risks from fetal-alcohol syndrome, childbirth, second-hand smoke, particulates from smog and car pollution (widely correlated with increases in asthma), poor diet (the fastest way to poison your child given the rising numbers of children with diabetes), assault (homicide claimed 33 children aged between 1 and 4 in California in 2004), one could argue that the potential for adverse effects from rubber toys is hardly the most urgent public health issue facing California’s children.”
Also, since the Federal Government has already deemed the chemical to be safe, the states cannot subsequently regulate it. This bill may be illegal.
The left are ignorant of science unless it has the word theory attached to it. They love theories.
You know, as far as I can tell, Fiona Ma, the woman who introduced the bill- she is not even married and has no children. Yet she is forcing her views upon millions of real parents.
She has also been involved in the Hsu/Clinton scandal and seems pretty shady.
I love the liberal “scientific studies”. They take basic information and compile it to reach a predetermined outcome. Wanna prove that a product causes cancer ? its easy to do… just compare all cases of cancer with the CHANCE that the cancer victims used the product, was around the product, or knew someone third hand who used the product. Example, little Tommy has leukemia, the preschool next to his elementary school had 14 different toys containing Phthalate … Tommy got cancer from second-hand recess.
I am actually amazed that the liberals have taken their thoughts off the injuries caused by hard plastics and metals, to fight a non lethal chemical that was probably created by their own safety mongers.
It was the same thing with transfat, it was the same thing with styrofoam cups, disposable diapers, etc. Everything is a freakin’ crisis to them except for the real crises of terrorism, protecting the homeland, preventable diseases, etc.
The trasfat was the one that really shocked me. Transfat is not new, but the problems it supposedly causes is. Shouldn’t that be a factor in their scientific studies ? I think their head scientist is Dr Timothy Leary, THAT would explain all the wacky theories.
Considering he’s been dead for a few years that’s a neat trick.
thats what they want you to believe. :p
That hippie bastard better be dead. But if you snort his ashes, you can get high.
if you snort the dirt 6 miles from his grave you will get high.
Wasn’t he blasted into space?
yeah, but he did that to himself before he died.
Not all of him were put in space. Just a few high quality grams. They mingled in the upper stratosphere with Gene Roddenberry, another notorious hippie. But at least he told good stories.
Ever watch Star Trek and wonder what happened to all of the capitalists?
In the original series? Yeah I did notice that.
why would you notice that ? Which leads to another question … why is Belch sponsoring an add to “vote for Hillary” ?
That ad is awesome. Remember, if you click a hillary ad from this site, its like taking money out of her campaign funds and giving it to me.
now it says Fred Thompson … I am confused
I notice things like that. About 10 years ago I was watching Dirty Harry with a friend of mine. In part of the movie a dog runs across the screen. I say ti my friend “I bet that dog is dead by now”.
LOL! I see animals in movies and wonder if they have to join a union to act on screen.
And everytime I see a rerun of Golden Girls, I run to IMDB to see if Rue McClanahan has dropped dead yet.
I see animals in films and wonder if they had to do tricks with peanut butter to get the role.
I’m oOgerryOo.
Just saying hello – I’m new.
There was this guy see.
He wasn’t very bright and he reached his adult life without ever having learned “the facts”.
Somehow, it gets to be his wedding day.
While he is walking down the isle, his father tugs his sleeve and says,
“Son, when you get to the hotel room…Call me”
Hours later he gets to the hotel room with his beautiful blushing bride and he calls his father,
“Dad, we are the hotel, what do I do?”
“O.K. Son, listen up, take off your clothes and get in the bed, then she should take off her clothes and get in the bed, if not help her. Then either way, ah, call me”
A few moments later…
“Dad we took off our clothes and we are in the bed, what do I do?”
O.K. Son, listen up. Move real close to her and she should move real close to you, and then… Ah, call me.”
A few moments later…
“O.K. Son, Listen up, this is the most important part. Stick the long part of your body into the place where she goes to the bathroom.”
A few moments later…
“Dad, I’ve got my foot in the toilet, what do I do?”