MySpace Coming to Your Cellphones
Brace yourselves. As if traffic weren’t bad enough with idiots talking on their cell phones, how bad will it be when people start changing their stupid “mood icons” on their MySpace pages while they’re driving?
From Reuters here:
News Corp’s Fox Interactive Media said on Monday it plans to launch advertising-supported versions of its popular Internet social network MySpace and other properties for free on cell phones.
Aiming to court an audience adept at finding entertainment on mobile devices, MySpace will let its users send and receive messages, comment on pictures, post bulletins, update blogs, find friends and update their mood status on cell phones.
I wrote previously how Earthlink is moving away from their internet access provisioning to focus on their Helio cellphone. One of the draws of the Helio was it was the only one offering Myspace at the time. I guess this new move by Fox is just another dagger to Earthlink’s sad business model.
I change my mood icon on my phone while I drive all the time! Driving is so boring.
hasn’t myspace been available to cingular/at&t subscribers for a while now ? I know Gmail was.
A version of it was available to Helio and AT&T customers, but now its coming to everybody.
are they still trying to charge for it ?
That was the stupidest thing I ever heard of. A service you get for free on your PC has a subscription fee if you use it on your phone… PLUS your used minutes or phones bandwidth use.