
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

PoliticsStupid PeopleYou're Fired!

Watch Dan Rather Seethe

Dan Rather tried to use fake documents about President Bush’s National Guard service to unseat a President during a time of War.  It was disgraceful and in my opinion, traitorous.


Now Danny boy is trying to sue CBS for 70 gajillion simoleons because he lost his job.  This means that he has been frothing at the mouth since 2005 over the exposure that he is a bad reporter.

From the AP here:

Dan Rather filed a $70 million lawsuit Wednesday against CBS, alleging that the network made him a “scapegoat” for a discredited story about President Bush’s National Guard service.

The 75-year-old Rather, whose final months were clouded by controversy over the report, says the complaint stems from “CBS’ intentional mishandling” of the aftermath of the story.

Rather is seeking $20 million in compensatory damages and $50 million in punitive damages.

CBS spokesman Dana McClintock said: “These complains are old news, and this lawsuit is without merit.”

Michelle Malkin has more.  So Does Little Green Footballs, who broke the original forged documents story.

Do you think that Dan Rather is happy that Katie Couric’s ratings are so abyssmal?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

4 thoughts on “Watch Dan Rather Seethe

  • This is one of many people in the media who are happy when someone else gets in some kind of trouble. They ALL reveled in the Imus bullshit, but then cry lawsuit as soon as they get in trouble. At least Imus didn’t actually do anything bad.

  • At least Imus didn’t actually do anything bad

    You mean other than try to make an off-color joke without the aid of a sense of humor? Its like working with no tools. Imus’ promblem is that Imus is often just not funny.

    I also heard someone propose the idea that the reason Dan Rather is going after the lawsuit now is because CBS/Viacom recently coughed up 20 Million bucks for Imus in his wrongful termination suit. So like a shark, Rather smells blood in the water.

  • Imus’ lack of a sense of humor has nothing to do with his free speech being violated and scumbags like Rather loved it. I dont care who you are or what you do, if you do not support free speech, dont be shocked when your lack of support bites you in the ass.

    I wouldn’t doubt if the reasoning was true, everybody in this country is looking for their payday and 90% of them do not deserve it.

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