
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

PoliticsYou're Fired!

Attorney General Gonzales Quits

Or was fired or whatever.  Im sure more details will be forthcoming.  Gonzales was under constant hounding by the Democrats in congress about the firings of several federal attorneys, which is perfectly legal to do under any circumstances.

Maybe if Gonzales deported kids he could have kept his job.

But if you roll tanks into a private compound and spray napalm on women and children like Janet Reno did in Waco, no one forces her to quit. 

If you use machine guns to forcibly remove a 6-year-old child from relatives in Florida and force the bastard to live in a communist impoverished country, well, that’s fine too.  Elian Gonzales was the only immigrant democrats wanted to eject from the country.

HotAir has more.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Attorney General Gonzales Quits

  • I hated him because he wouldn’t do his job- Especially when it came to handling illegal aliens. I am a huge advocate of securing the border post 9/11, and Gonzales was dangerous in his inattentiveness to his duty to do that job.

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