
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionStupid People

Global Warming Blamed for Draining a Lake

Boy these Global Warming Zealots just won’t quit. They look for any excuse to label natural phenomena as a Global Warming Disaster. The latest case is a mountain top lake in Chile. Its not a very big hole in the ground, but it used to be filled up with water. Something happened and it suddenly drained, and you can see the picture below that there are people standing in its now empty crater.

But one jackass scientist, a glacier studying moron sniffing for new grant money, used the excuse of the now-empty crater to declare that all of the glaciers in the region are getting thinner. “Because there must have been some melting occurring, which added to the water level, which put pressure on the natural clog that kept the water there! Don’t you see? Global Warming will kill us all! Run for the hills!”

This story was originally published two weeks ago, and geologists remarked at the time that the earth opened up and swallowed the water. Now its global warming!

From the AP here:

Scientists on Tuesday blamed global warming for the disappearance of a glacial lake in remote southern Chile that faded away in just two months, leaving just a crater behind.

The disappearance of the lake in Bernardo O’Higgins National Park was discovered in late May by park rangers, who were stunned to find a 130-foot deep crater where a large lake had been.

After flying over the lake Monday scientists said they were able to draw preliminary conclusions that point to climate change as the leading culprit for the lake’s disappearance.

They suggested the melting of nearby glaciers raised the lake’s level to the point where the increased water pressure caused part of a glacier acting as a dam to give way. Water in the lake flowed out of the breach, into a nearby fiord and then to the sea, said Andres Rivera, a glaciologist with Chile’s Center of Scientific Studies.

Rivera, accompanied by an expert from the Chilean Antarctic Institute, flew over the site in a navy airplane, taking hundreds of photographs.

“On one side of the Bernardo glacier one can see a large hole or gap, and we believe that’s where the water flowed through,” Rivera said in a navy communique. “This confirms that glaciers in the region are retreating and getting thinner.”

Wow, they did all of this great scientific work from the backseat of an airplane! Two glacier studying quacks have been able to confirm that the entire climate has changed based on a dry hole in the ground. Amazing brainwork, Holmes.

I did a little research myself. This Bernardo O’Higgins National Park has active volcanoes in it. Now, I don’t have to be a climatologist to know that volcanoes mean earthquakes, shifting ground heat and upwelling of surrounding terrain. Couldn’t an earthquake or something similar caused whatever was clogging this basin to jar loose and drain the water?

A quick Google search reveals that yes, there were some pretty strong earthquakes in that region in May, about the time that they discovered the water had drained. The USGS has a map of the quake here.

And the Lautaro volcano erupts every 30 years or so, the last time being in the 1960’s. Its currently overdue for activity. I’d say that this claim of an empty crater related to global warming is fraudulent given other more plausible explanations.

This Rivera guy has written many alarmist papers on global warming according to his bio here.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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