
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Nice Global Warming Ya Got There

Despite Al Gore’s repeated shrieks of alarm, there is mounting evidence that Global Warming just ain’t happening.  First up is the huge snowstorm in South Africa. 


From Reuters here:

A rare winter snowstorm dusted South Africa’s commercial capital Johannesburg early on Wednesday as a winter weather front moved across the country, closing mountain passes and claiming at least one life.
“SNOWBURG” trumpeted the headline of Johannesburg’s Star newspaper.

Gleeful children built snowmen in Johannesburg’s Zoo Lake Park, while families could be seen carrying snowballs back to their cars, fast melting souvenirs of the city’s first significant snowfall since 1981.

And those ice sheets in Antarctica that should be melting to doom us all?  Its not happening either.  From the AP here:

An ice sheet in Antarctica that is the world’s largest — with enough water to raise global sea levels by 200 feet — is relatively stable and poses no immediate threat, according to new research.

The air over the East Antarctic ice sheet, an ice mass more than 1,875 miles across and up to 2.5 miles thick centered on the South Pole, will remain cold enough to prevent significant melting in the near future, the New Zealand-led research shows.

This research team should be careful.  If the ice sheets aren’t melting then they won’t be getting any research grants.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Nice Global Warming Ya Got There

  • But I thought all weather was caused by global warming, including cold weather.

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