
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarreRoPStupid People

Kooky Cultures Won’t Last

Cultures that have witch doctors and spiritual healers will soon disappear from this planet.  And that’s a GOOD thing.  A region’s culture should not be preserved like some kind of museum artifact just so future generations can look at it and giggle at how stupid their belief systems are.  But there are many folks who get teary-eyed when they learn that an aboriginal group of hunter-gatherers in a rain forest somewhere discover clothing and electricity.


One such kooky culture is the one that is in northern Malaysia.  They believe that witch doctors bury space aliens in their local cemetary.  From the AP here:

Malaysians in a northern village were alarmed by rumors that space aliens had been laid to rest in their neighborhood cemetery, but authorities learned the graves had merely been filled with banana tree trunks for a superstitious ritual, police said Tuesday.

Residents feared a local witch doctor had instructed grave diggers to bury extraterrestrials in the rural district of Pasir Mas on Sunday, causing police to detain the man for investigation.

The man was freed after he explained that banana tree trunks, not aliens, had been buried in a ceremony for “medicinal purposes.”

Witch doctors and spiritual healers are common in rural parts of Malaysia where superstitious beliefs have long been entrenched.

Yeah, they may be somewhat common, but just wait-  the Religion of Peace will wipe them out soon.  Malaysia is the most populous Islamic country, and we all know how tolerant they are of non-islamic beliefs.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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