Mac Guy Gets Uppity
Completely white set…
Mac Guy comes in from stage right
Mac: “Hi – I’m a mac”
Russian Space Technician enters from stage left… And in a heavy Russian accent says…
Russian: “Zdravstvuite, I am a DMS-R”
Mac: “Hey – sorry to hear about your problems this week on the International Space Station. Is there anything I can do to help?”
Russian: “Nyet! We will find this problem the Americans have caused and crush it in our cold red fingers!”
Mac: “Dude – take it easy. I am sure they didn’t do it on purpose! If it makes you feel any better – most IT guys can’t hook me up properly on a network either.”
Russian: “There is no network! My processors are radiation hardened ERC32 chips made in 1986 while you were still selling Newtons! My VxWorks Software is open source Unix-based and helped land Pathfinder on Mars in 1997.”
Mac: “Oh. In this country – we tend to upgrade our computers at least once a decade.”
Russian: “Americans and their money! In my country – a new computer could feed small peasant commune of 74 people for 3 years!”
Mac: “Wow, you guys really stretch a budget. Hey, have you seen my new IPOD nano?”
The russian pulls a gun and shoots Mac Guy in the stomach, opens a bottle of vodka, takes a sip, and says “Dasveedanya!” — then exits stage left.
Thanks to Tim for this great concept!