
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeStupid PeopleVirginia

Hokie Killer Died a Virgin?

I had written earlier that Seung Cho, the Hokie Killer was a pathetic loser that could not get a woman if he was the last man on campus.  It turns out he tried to hire what he thought was a prostitute in the last weeks before his psychotic rampage, but even failed to woo a paid escort.  She pushed him away because to even a whore, Cho was “creepy” and a “dork.”


From WSLS here:

Chastity Frye says she spent an hour, all alone, with Virginia Tech killer Cho Seung-Hui last month. Frye works for an escort service. She says, Cho hired her, and the two met at a Valley View motel.

Frye said “He was so quiet, I really couldn’t get much from him, he was so distant, he really didn’t talk a lot. It seemed like he wasn’t all there.”

She says “I danced for a little while and I thought we were done because he got up and went to the restroom and began washing. And I said, ‘well, do you want me to go? I’m going to go ahead and go’. And he’s like, ‘I paid for the full hour, you’ve only been here for 15 minutes,’ and then he came back in the room. And I started dancing and that’s when he you know, touched me and tried to get on me and that’s when I pushed him away.”

FBI agents questioned her this weekend. Frye says they tracked her down through Cho’s credit card receipt.  They wanted to know 3 words that described him,” Frye said. What 3 words did Frye use? “I used dorky, was one of them, maybe timid and pushy, there at the end he was a little pushy.”  I was thinking, he was creeping me out, I was thinking about getting out of there.”

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

9 thoughts on “Hokie Killer Died a Virgin?

  • Hitler is widely believed to have died a virgin as well.

    Hitler’s father beat the crap out of him. Sort of makes you wonder what happened to Cho during his childhood.

  • Lots of people are beaten by their parents and do not go on to commit mass murder. I think the Hitler dying a virgin reference is one of history’s most common urban legends.

    But yeah, I think everyone wants to know what happened in Cho’s childhood. I think lots of people suspect sexual abuse, including myself, and it is crystal clear that Cho had lots of misconceptions about sex.

  • It’s a bit more than just an urban legend. Powerful men have the reputation for keeping a few attractive women around. This tends to leave physical evidence for the custodial staff. The maids, laundry people, and others who maintained Hitler’s various residences have all been interviewed about this and they all claim that Hitler’s sheets were soiled with nothing more interesting than dead skin.

    As far as Cho having an imaginary super model for a girl friend, this alone is kind of pedestrian. Most young men have a dozen of them.

  • Being beaten by one’s parents or bullied at school doesn’t make you commit mass murder any more than driving drunk makes you crash into things. It only makes it more likely.

  • As far as Cho having an imaginary super model for a girl friend, this alone is kind of pedestrian. Most young men have a dozen of them.

    WMD, no, they don’t.
    Normal people abandon any childhood or imaginary friends before the third grade.

    As far as Hitler being beaten that badly, Im sorry, but I will have to ask for a source on that. I have heard about the urban legend of Hitler dying as a virgin. It was listed in the “Big Book of Lists” which was a cool book, full of top ten and top twenty lists back in the day. Number one for dying a virgin was Jesus Christ. Hitler was on there too, but I also heard that this may have been war propaganda that painted him this way. I really don’t know how to prove this one way or the other.

    As far as mass murderers having violent childhoods, yes, that does seem to be a good correlation. But regarding Cho, this has yet to really become evident. There are some rumors about bullying but I completely discount them for their severity and the real lack of a good account.

    What really disturbs me is the odd plays he wrote. You know, his dad was gone for a long time in Cho’s youth, and Cho wrote about a man who moved in on his Mom. Again, its just speculation.

    The fact remains that there is still much that is unknown about Cho’s background. I just think he died a Virgin.

  • When I was in basic training at Fort Benning, a considerable effort went into creating two, and only two very important relationships: us and them. You go to the ends of the Earth for us, and you do whatever it takes to kill as many of them as humanly possible. The reasons for this conditioning (It really isn’t training.) should be obvious.

    What I don’t understand is why everyone is so baffled by the fact that this process happens occasionally due solely to the imperfections of our society’s child rearing institutions. Cho, the Columbine killers, and an awful lot of other people were conditioned by their personal experiences to think of much of the world as them and perhaps to create an imaginary us that is completely unknown to everyone else. Instead of spending so much time dreaming up new ways to insult dead killers, would it not be more productive to identify the sort of adolescent experiences that create us and them relationships and work toward reducing them?

  • Instead of spending so much time dreaming up new ways to insult dead killers, would it not be more productive to identify the sort of adolescent experiences that create us and them relationships and work toward reducing them?

    You can’t insult the dead. They’re dead, and as such, they are highly immune to insults, diseases and dreams.

    Also, I disagree that it was our society’s “child rearing institutions” that turned Cho into a killer. You don’t know that either, though its safe to assume that Cho likely experienced some type of childhood violence- and this is only by pointing to the documented statistics and playing a safe bet.

    But as far as working toward reducing adolescent experiences that create us and them relationships? Not my job, and I am particularly disinterested in pursuing that line of work.

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