
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarreHumorStupid PeopleYou're Fired!

What’s Wrong With the German Army?

I am often baffled at how we Americans are viewed through the skewed lens of European news and television.  And some of the gross misconceptions tend to be the most shocking and laughable.  For instance, a German Drill Instructor was recently fired for appearing in a training video creating a stupidly silly training scenario with racist overtones.


From the AP here:

The German Defence Ministry said on Tuesday it had dismissed a German army instructor who was filmed ordering a recruit to imagine he was firing a machine gun at “African Americans” who were insulting his mother.

“The Bundeswehr (Germany army) has dismissed him,” a Defence Ministry spokesman said. He said the non-commissioned officer was stripped of his rank and pay.

German television broadcasters aired the grainy 90-second video clip over the weekend.

“You’re in the Bronx, a black van pulls up in front of you and three African-Americans get out and start really insulting your mother … now do something!” the instructor says in German while a recruit lying on the ground starts firing his gun.

As the recruit fires his weapon, the trainer repeatedly shouts the word “motherf***er.”

First of all, did they really use the word “african-american?”  This is so bizarre, my brain is having a problem trying to process it.  Just what do the German people think goes on in the Bronx?  Do they think its like the wild west where the brothers roll around in a big van with pot smoke roiling out of the windows?  And if they see a white person, they pull over and jump out and tell a bunch of “yo mamma so fat” jokes?

And even if that were the case, why would it demand the response of machinegun fire?  And why the hell would a German Soldier be “pinned down” in the Bronx?  What kind of delusions of grandeur would let them to wargame an invasion of the United States in which they advance as far as the Bronx in New York City?

It is clear to me now that the Germans have no fear of terrorists.  The people they fear most is the American Black Man. 

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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