Seung Cho Was Total Loser
Freak. Loser. Misfit. Creepy weirdo. These seem to all be apt and accurate descriptions of the Hokie Killer, Seung Cho.
As more and more information seeps out about him, it is becoming crystal clear that Cho didn’t really belong at school. He had no friends, and even his own roommates in his dormitory suite thought he was withdrawn and a social outcast. They had even tried to engage him in conversation, but cho only ever gave one word mumbling responses. With the personality of a dead fish, his roommates just left him alone.
He was a zero when it came to the ladies. He acted more like a stalker and couldn’t score a date if he were the last man on campus. His school grades have not been released yet. They should be average or below. Anything higher and I would suspect that Va Tech was just sleeping on the scoring system and passing any student that paid tuition. Case in point, you should read the horrible play he wrote for his playwriting class. He was supposedly being taught by an “acclaimed” professor Ed Falco. Why this professor didn’t toss this loser out of his class is unknown.
In an article at CollegiateTimes, the fellow students remember with sadness how everyone knew Cho was a lunatic, but no one did anything to get him any help.
Stephanie Derry, a senior English major at Virginia Tech, was in a 3000 level Playwriting class with Cho Seung-Hui this spring semester taught by acclaimed professor Ed Falco.
She described Seung-Hui’s conduct in classes and how all the clues had been there, but could never imagine his bizarre behavior would ever materialize into these recent destructive events.
“Cho was really, really, quiet,” Derry said. “I can’t even remember one word he said the entire semester.”
“We were in a playwriting class together, which is a workshop class, meaning you submit your plays to everyone in it and then we all review the play in class and talk about it,” Derry said.
“His writing, the plays, were really morbid and grotesque,” Derry noted. “I remember one of them very well. It was about a son who hated his stepfather. In the play the boy threw a chain saw around, and hammers at him. But the play ended with the boy violently suffocating the father with a rice krispy treat,” Derry said.
“We made jokes around the class about his work, because it was just so fictional, so surreal, we just had to laugh,” Derry said, “We had to laugh because it couldn’t ever be real or truthful, I mean who throws hammers or chainsaws around?”
“But we always joked we were just waiting for him to do something, waiting to hear about something he did,” Derry said. “But when I got the call it was Cho who had done this, I started crying, bawling.”
“I kept having to tell myself there is no way we could have known this was coming,” Derry described. “I was just so frustrated that we saw all the signs, but never thought this could happen.”
I cant believe people would sink so low.
I would like you to live the life i did so far, and see how you cope.
People like Cho do that kind of thing because of people like you, you dont understand and you dont want to. They are different and because of that, you think its a good idea to make fun of them.
I know how to stop those kind of shootings………..get rid of people like you.
Comeon care to make fun of Leg3nd for needing diapers for comfort again?
Oh, so I’m to blame for the Virginia Tech killings now? You are a bedwetting crackpot.
And Bryan, you are wishing rape on me? You are a freaky bag of nuts. That smells like pee and failure.
In both his writings, he is referring to a kid getting either molested or ass-raped by an older person…
He hated older people (except his mum), u could see that easily thru what he wrote.
And i just made a supposition….anyway the fact that he hasnt been molested or raped as a kid just makes it worse.
The reason is then the society surrounding him i think.
LOL…u worshippers of that big black cube…
Thats still makes me laugh, hahahah, u crazy pat lol
I noticed that in both his writings, he is referring to a kid getting either molested or ass-raped by an older person…
He hated older people (except his mum), u could see that easily thru what he wrote.
And i just made a supposition….anyway the fact that he hasnt been molested or raped as a kid just makes it worse.
The reason is then the society surrounding him i think.
LOL…u worshippers of that big black cube…
Thats still makes me laugh, hahahah, u crazy pat lol
Uhhh yes you are responsible for the killings. People like you make people like me miserable for our entire lives and expect us to laugh it off with good spirits. You cry yourself to sleep enough times in high school you are wasted by the time you are in college. Though if you care to make fun of me for crying myself to sleep feel free too.
And no I just think you should experience the trama that James has that lead him to diapers. Seems like if you can call him a freak for liking diapers you should experience the same trama as him.
And I am either going to teach special education or going to be a lawyer in juvenile court. In addition to that I also have studied abroad and am soon about to visit my 3rd and possibly 4th foreign country and have been in another one. You really think I am a failure.
Bryan, you are a mutant and a likely kid-toucher. No court will allow you to be a lawyer. You couldn’t pass the background check. Did I call you a failure? I meant pathetic pee-smelling failure. That you would feel any empathy with this killer is sickening. Normal people don’t feel the way you do. This makes you a freak.
Turns out that Cho was nothing more than a Columbine worshiping mutant. He referred to the Columbine killers as martyrs.
Yeah, I saw the video and the photos. He had a persecution complex and a little bit of a christ complex to boot. And yes, he set out to top Columbine.
Hi my friend endersdragon told me about being kicked off this site for bedwetting and being aspergers which is silly. I will explain the connection because it is apparent that although it does not have anything to do with the tragedy on Monday people here don’t seem to realize that my friend is on the autistic spectrum. People like my son who is a high-functioning autistic and myself who is aspergers and have been properly diagnostic have hyposensitivy (my son) or hypersensity (myself) in regards to the bowel area. This can be quite a serious issue as you can imagine. We normally don’t discuss it. Hence we don’t usually discuss it with the general public. If a person does not have control of their bowels though because they can not feel when they are moving it is very difficult so they would have to use adult diapers. This happens with a lot of adult autistics. Also sometimes autistics zone out so much we really don’t know what is happening with our bodily functions. Most of us do make it to the toilet though. Diapers however do not have anything to do with sexual orientation though, or agression. Or have any place in the discussion on this board. I suggest that you stick to the topic at hand. Probably the this young man slipped through the cracks in the mental health services and a tragedy occured.
Bryan was booted for not shutting up about his own agenda. Also, he is a creep, a loser and a disgusting human being who sides with the worst killers of our society. Somehow, he takes his own feelings of inadeqecy and his own shortcomings and wants to make others be responsible for it. He tried to accuse me of being responsible for the deaths of others.
This is MY website. I do what I want.
If he is your friend, then you are not welcome either. This is not a medical website and I will wipe my ass with you and your families’ medical problems. And how dare you try to ask me to stick to a topic on this board? No threadjacking Diane.
I’m am just so sorry Pat I am upset about killings because I see the same cracks in the mental health system in our area. I was not threadjacking I just thought that you were going off on the wrong tangent and were misrepresenting autistics. I discussion that I did not appreciate.
If anyone is misrepresenting autistics, its people that try to use an illness to assert moral authority over what someone else says.
This thread is not about autism (Bryan doesn’t have it. Hes a crackpot).
Its not about Bedwetting. (But holy hell, is that the funniest “medical” problem in the world since Turettes syndrome or what? Bryan is gay and into watersports and will likely molest children.)
People in my state have been murdered by a psychopath and every freak is self-obsessed with their own problems and hassling me on my blog. Sheesh.
You make fun of me, therefore you involve me. Then you bring my problems into it. I am autistic, if you have any evidence to the contray, that isn’t more then 4 years old, feel free to share. I am gay, but just so you know hetrosexual people are much more likely to molest children, just to warn you. And do you feel that Franklin Roosevelt was a “pee-smelling failure” he wet the bed too you know, I really wouldn’t call him a failure you know. Thats all for now.
You came on my blog wielding your fake autism like some type of club of moral authority to make any arguments against you seem like they were picking on you.
You are reprehensible for what you do- siding with the killers, empathisizing with them, blaming me for killing people. You are a low slime bag.
That you piss your pants, are gay and like to play with other boys who also pee themselves is funny and very disturbing.
You are a pee-smelling failure. Don’t drag Roosevelt into this. You are certainly not Roosevelt, and FDR wasn’t much of a failure.
Well well well
I think enderdragon is right im a little(very very mild,but disturbing) autisic pdd-nos. I know a lot of Asperger people and the firts thing i was think when i saw that vacuum packed dead fish face of that asian clint easwood from virginia tech was ASPERGER. when i read the articles of him not giving any reaction and telllin strange disturbing stories i thougt of an asperger i knew some years ago. He told an other autistic boy whos brother just died that they will crusifie his brother and then burn him, he also wrote with his shit all kinds of demonic simbols on his walls in the room. But maybe he has more brain damage. Me i am also a stalker like him and i am obsessed whith revenge and violence towards woman. But i dont want to use a gun because you will never know if you are a real man. But some asperger are very nice so i dont mean they are all sick. They are very funny to talk to and have very humoristic ideas about some issues.
This is your blog, so you have a right to say what you want. I have no objections to your original post and agree with most of it.
However, many of your comments have been in very poor taste. What right do you have ridiculing people who may, for all you know, have very real physical and psycological problems? Laughing at people like this only creates situations like the one on Monday. Furthermore, when ‘Diane’ came on to defend her friend in a polite and reasonable manner, you were completely disrespectful and irrational.
I believe your exact words were ‘I will wipe my ass with you and your families’ medical problems.’ What makes you think its OK to say something like that?
I don’t know why you think its alright to belittle things like people’s sexuality and suicide. Sure, I can understand you not wanting people to hijack your blog (I wouldn’t want that either), but how can you be so insensitive?
As a Brit, I wouldn’t expect you to understand where I get the “rights” to say what I say. But for your personal education, in the United States, there is a document called the “Constitution” and this document guarantees the right to freedom of speech. And for the people who invented the “Chav” you have some guts to lecture me about taste.
How did you find this blog? On a message board posting by the lying bedwetter? Is he dead yet? His head in an oven? Or is he still obsessing on me for outing him as the lying sack of manure he is?
The fact of the matter, if you read Endersdragon’s first post, he came on and challenged me to call him a loser because he had autism. He attempted to assert some phony moral authority behind his own opinion just because people normally feel sorry for the dork because he always tells them he has something wrong with him. He has nothing wrong with him, and is in fact, a creepy person- a real sicko. And all his little pee-loving friends are gross and sick too.
Whatever one’s medical background or sick sexual fetish has nothing to do with this particular blog posting. So slag off you sodding twat.
i like to dress like a bitch and then jerk on my dig, but its not autistic
Pat – Talk about losers. Pat you are the supreme loser and I bow to your feet. I find it so f^^^ing hilarious that you chose to critize other’s inadequacies due to medical diagnoses but can’t come up with a valid reason why you are so inadequate as to need a blog to state your irrevelant points to the issues. What no people in the real world will give you the time of day so you have to blog because your dog hates you too? Endersdragon – great courage discussing your personal life and offering insight into Cho or at least trying to. Too bad you are gay – I like men who are sensitive.
Katie, I have read your statement several times and am still unsure what you are attempting to say. If you have proof of anyone’s medical diagnosis, then provide it- otherwise, it has no bearing on this topic.
As for the rest of your ramblings, I think you question my existence and really like gay men, but only if they “do you.” Great points, thanks!
oh, and who cares if he isnt that social or cant get a girl, some people arent to skilled in those areas. If every one who wasnt social or couldnt get a girl was categorized as a killer, then there would be a lot of dead people in the world. so just shut up and be nice
Be nice?? To the worst mass gun murderer in the history of the US? I only wish my insults could penetrate his miserable grave.
This waste of skin was a pathetic loser, who blamed his own problems on other people. Thank God others with “no skills” dont go around killing everyone. They actually try to make their lives worth living.
you’re one sick person pat. Its people like you with your unrelenting hatred that create the Chos of the the world. If you stopped for one minute and tried to understand, to comprehend how a monster like Cho came to life and did the things he did, you’d be far better off. right now you sound like a right wing, gun toting lunatic with only one agenda, hatred. You sound almost as bad as Cho himself. If we don’t attempt to understand how such monsters are created, how can we ever stop the carnage? What he did was terrible.. but was he a terrible person or just a sick person? what purpose does your hatred serve other than to humiliate yourself and make you look just like him? We need to stop these people before they do what they do, whatever that takes. Whether its controling the atmosphere at our elementary and high schools and eliminating people like you who enjoy making fun and of and bullying others, or whatever else it might take to create an atmosphere of learning and understanding instead of one sizzling with hatred. You’re just pure hatred. You should really report your own self to the FBI.. you seem like the most dangerous person to have posted here.
Wow, antibush. so a sociopathic moron goes on a shooting rampage, and murders lots of people, but somehow its all my fault and I’m the sick one?
Typical liberal. You have your head up your ass and your morals exactly 180 degrees off true. Working to coddle these misfits to understand their pain will not stop the shootings. And good luck trying to “eliminate people like me.”
Its called free speech, twat.